Scientific publications
Evidence of structural discontinuities in the inner core of red-giant stars 2022NatCo..13.7553V Testing a scaling relation between coherent radio emission and physical parameters of hot magnetic stars 2022MNRAS.517.5756D A closer look at supernovae as seeds for galactic magnetization 2022A&A...668L...6N Ion irradiation triggers the formation of the precursors of complex organics in space. The case of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde 2022A&A...668A.169U Connecting Solar Orbiter remote-sensing observations and Parker Solar Probe in situ measurements with a numerical MHD reconstruction of the Parker spiral 2022A&A...668A.144B Characterization of the HD 108236 system with CHEOPS and TESS Confirmation of a fifth transiting planet 2022A&A...668A.117H Validation of TESS exoplanet candidates orbiting solar analogues in the all-sky PLATO input catalogue 2022MNRAS.516.4432M On the Characterization of GJ 504: A Magnetically Active Planet-host Star Observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) 2022ApJ...940...93D First Detection of Silicon-bearing Molecules in η Car 2022ApJ...939L..30B Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. α-elements, lithium, sodium and aluminum in 16 open clusters 2022A&A...667A.103Z The HD 93963 A transiting system: A 1.04 d super-Earth and a 3.65 d sub-Neptune discovered by TESS and CHEOPS 2022A&A...667A...1S Erratum: Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-metall) survey - I. HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopy of 47 classical Cepheids and 1 BL Her variables 2022MNRAS.516.2887R Discovery and origin of the radio emission from the multiple stellar system KQ Vel 2022MNRAS.515.5523L The use of immersive virtual reality for teaching fieldwork skills in complex structural terrains 2022JSG...16304681H Structural aspects of FRG in quantum tunneling computations 2022AnPhy.44569090B The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Implementation, data products, open cluster survey, science, and legacy 2022A&A...666A.121R The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey: Motivation, implementation, GIRAFFE data processing, analysis, and final data products 2022A&A...666A.120G Updated orbital monitoring and dynamical masses for nearby M-dwarf binaries 2022A&A...666A..16C Rapid quasi-periodic oscillations in the relativistic jet of BL Lacertae 2022Natur.609..265J Spectroscopic study of five SB1 stars with CP components 2022MNRAS.515.4350C New, late-type spectroscopic binaries with X-ray emission 2022MNRAS.515.3716F Photoprocessing of Organic Material on Ceres: Laboratory Studies on Chemical Evolution of the Inner Dwarf Planet 2022EPSC...16..580B The PLATO Mission 2022EPSC...16..453R Observation of a Magnetic Switchback in the Solar Corona 2022ApJ...936L..25T The GAPS Programme at TNG XXXIX. Multiple Molecular Species in the Atmosphere of the Warm Giant Planet WASP-80 b Unveiled at High Resolution with GIANO-B 2022AJ....164..101C Radio detection of chemically peculiar stars with LOFAR 2022A&A...665A.152H The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVIII. Five molecules in the atmosphere of the warm giant planet WASP-69b detected at high spectral resolution 2022A&A...665A.104G Tidal excitation of auto-resonant oscillations in stars with close-by planets 2022A&A...665A..47L Coronal mass ejection followed by a prominence eruption and a plasma blob as observed by Solar Orbiter 2022A&A...665A...7B UVSiPM: a light auxiliary detector to measure the night sky background seen by the ASTRI mini-array Cherenkov telescopes at the Observatorio del Teide. 2022SPIE12191E..0XI The telescope control system for the ASTRI Mini-Array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes 2022SPIE12189E..2IR Array data acquisition system interface for online distribution of acquired data in the ASTRI Mini-Array project 2022SPIE12189E..24P The Son-Of-X-Shooter (SOXS) data-reduction pipeline 2022SPIE12189E..1IY The monitoring, logging, and alarm system of the ASTRI mini-array gamma-ray air-Cherenkov experiment at the Observatorio del Teide 2022SPIE12189E..1EI ASTRI Mini-Array on-site Information and Communication Technology infrastructure 2022SPIE12189E..1DG The Array Data Acquisition System software architecture of the ASTRI Mini-Array project 2022SPIE12189E..0NC The quality check system architecture for Son-Of-X-Shooter SOXS 2022SPIE12189E..0LL The Software Architecture and development approach for the ASTRI Mini-Array gamma-ray air-Cherenkov experiment at the Observatorio del Teide 2022SPIE12189E..0DB Dynamic scheduling for SOXS instrument: environment, algorithms and development 2022SPIE12189E..0AA ASTRI-Horn Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope: the average reflectivity of the primary mirror based on and "ad hoc" multilayer coating 2022SPIE12188E..4QC The vacuum and cryogenics system of the SOXS spectrograph 2022SPIE12188E..44S The pointing monitoring camera hardware and software systems for the ASTRI Mini-Array project 2022SPIE12188E..35G The ASTRI-Horn Cherenkov camera: improvements on the hardware and software components 2022SPIE12188E..30S MORFEO at ELT: system engineering activity up to preliminary design review 2022SPIE12187E..1OR The product assurance programme of the ASTRI Mini-Array project 2022SPIE12187E..1IL The TOU of the PLATO mission from a product assurance point of view 2022SPIE12187E..11C Progress on the simulation tools for the SOXS spectrograph: exposure time calculator and end-to-end simulator 2022SPIE12187E..0CG The MAORY/MORFEO MAIT strategy in Europe 2022SPIE12185E..71F MORFEO optical design and performances: status at preliminary design review 2022SPIE12185E..5MP The MAORY/MORFEO fine optical alignment and recollimation strategies: preliminary simulations from `out of focus' PSF images 2022SPIE12185E..4ZR MAORY/MORFEO at ELT: preliminary design of the adaptive optics subsystem 2022SPIE12185E..4RB SOXS AIT: a paradigm for system engineering of a medium class telescope instrument 2022SPIE12184E..84C The integration and alignment phase for the acquisition and guiding system of SOXS 2022SPIE12184E..83A From assembly to the complete integration and verification of the SOXS common path 2022SPIE12184E..82R SOXS mechanical integration and verification in Italy 2022SPIE12184E..81A The internal alignment and validation of a powered ADC for SOXS 2022SPIE12184E..80B Progress on the SOXS NIR spectrograph AIT 2022SPIE12184E..7ZV SiFAP4XP: time domain polarimetry with silicon photometers at the TNG 2022SPIE12184E..7UG Laboratory test of the VIS detector system of SOXS for the ESO-NTT Telescope 2022SPIE12184E..5IC The absorbing cells for the NIR spectrograph GIANO-B@TNG 2022SPIE12184E..4WC Mechanical design overview for the main structure of MAORY/MORFEO 2022SPIE12184E..2XD IBIS 2.0: optical layout and polarimetric unit of the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2.0 2022SPIE12184E..2AV Progress on the SOXS transients chaser for the ESO-NTT 2022SPIE12184E..0OS Focal plane detector and front-end electronics of the stellar intensity interferometry instrument for the ASTRI Mini-Array telescopes 2022SPIE12183E..22B A stellar intensity interferometry instrument for the ASTRI Mini-Array telescopes 2022SPIE12183E..0FZ The small-sized telescope of CTAO 2022SPIE12182E..0KT The implementation of the ASTRI Mini-Array gamma-ray experiment at the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife 2022SPIE12182E..0JL PLATO camera ghosts: simulations and measurements on the engineering model (EM) 2022SPIE12180E..4MP An industrialized and deterministic approach for aligning and focusing the 26 PLATO refractive telescopes, designed for operating in space 2022SPIE12180E..4LN Hartmann data analysis for PLATO TOU EM 2022SPIE12180E..4JC The PLATO TOU optical design: description, properties, and nominal performances 2022SPIE12180E..4IM Alignment and integration of the first PLATO camera 2022SPIE12180E..4HR In-flight Metis radiometric performance verification using the light retro-reflected from its door 2022SPIE12180E..3EC Radiance values inside lunar caves and lava tubes 2022SPIE12180E..3BR PLATO EM first cryogenic vacuum test campaign PSF results 2022SPIE12180E..1DB Twenty-year monitoring of the surface magnetic fields of chemically peculiar stars 2022MNRAS.514.3485G Extragalactic observatory science with the ASTRI mini-array at the Observatorio del Teide 2022JHEAp..35...91S ASTRI Mini-Array core science at the Observatorio del Teide 2022JHEAp..35....1V Exploring Refractory Organics in Extraterrestrial Particles 2022ApJ...935..158P Linking Small-scale Solar Wind Properties with Large-scale Coronal Source Regions through Joint Parker Solar Probe-Metis/Solar Orbiter Observations 2022ApJ...935..112T A stellar occultation by the transneptunian object (50000) Quaoar observed by CHEOPS 2022A&A...664L..15M PENELLOPE. III. The peculiar accretion variability of XX Cha and its impact on the observed spread of accretion rates 2022A&A...664L...7C The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXVI. Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and revising the physical and orbital parameters of the HAT-P-15, HAT-P-17, HAT-P-21, HAT-P-26, HAT-P-29 eccentric planetary systems 2022A&A...664A.162M Uncovering the true periods of the young sub-Neptunes orbiting TOI-2076 2022A&A...664A.156O Characterization of Kepler targets based on medium-resolution LAMOST spectra analyzed with ROTFIT 2022A&A...664A..78F HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XV. Planetary occurrence rates around early-M dwarfs 2022A&A...664A..65P Detailed stellar activity analysis and modelling of GJ 832. Reassessment of the putative habitable zone planet GJ 832c 2022A&A...664A..64G Analysis of Early Science observations with the CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS) using PYCHEOPS 2022MNRAS.514...77M Fundamental effective temperature measurements for eclipsing binary stars - III. SPIRou near-infrared spectroscopy and CHEOPS photometry of the benchmark G0V star EBLM J0113+31 2022MNRAS.513.6042M Quantifying Properties of Photospheric Magnetic Cancellations in the Quiet Sun Internetwork 2022ApJ...934...38L Ariel stellar characterisation. I. Homogeneous stellar parameters of 187 FGK planet host stars: Description and validation of the method 2022A&A...663A.161M One Star to Tag Them All (OSTTA). I. Radial velocities and chemical abundances for 20 poorly studied open clusters 2022A&A...663A.148C New binaries from the SHINE survey 2022A&A...663A.144B The GAPS programme at TNG. XXXIV. Activity-rotation, flux-flux relationships, and active-region evolution through stellar age 2022A&A...663A.142M The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXIII. HARPS-N detects multiple atomic species in emission from the dayside of KELT-20b 2022A&A...663A.141B A comparative study of atmospheric escape in the brightest system of super-earths straddling the evaporation valley 2022hst..prop16998E Nonsymmetric wormholes and localized big rip singularities in Einstein-Weyl gravity 2022PhRvD.105l4059B The PEPSI exoplanet transit survey (PETS) I: investigating the presence of a silicate atmosphere on the super-earth 55 Cnc e 2022MNRAS.513.1544K Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: Characterization of tidal features from mock images 2022MNRAS.513.1459M Centrifugal breakout reconnection as the electron acceleration mechanism powering the radio magnetospheres of early-type stars 2022MNRAS.513.1449O MOBSTER - VI. The crucial influence of rotation on the radio magnetospheres of hot stars 2022MNRAS.513.1429S The Solar Activity Monitor Network - SAMNet 2022JSWSC..12....2E Unveiling unresolved stellar components from photometry 2022ExA....53.1149M ESA's PLATO mission: Development status and upcoming milestones 2022BAAS...54e5401H TOI-178: a window into the formation and evolution of planetary systems 2022BAAS...54e.394H Asteroseismology of the multiple stellar populations in the globular cluster M4 2022A&A...662L...7T PDRs4All: A JWST Early Release Science Program on Radiative Feedback from Massive Stars 2022PASP..134e4301B Evolutionary map of the Universe (EMU): 18-cm OH-maser discovery in ASKAP continuum images of the SCORPIO field 2022MNRAS.512L..21I Mysterious odd radio circle near the large magellanic cloud - an intergalactic supernova remnant? 2022MNRAS.512..265F Immersive Virtual Reality for Geo-education: feedback from students, academics and the lay public 2022EGUGA..2411553B THA 15−31: Discovery with VLT/X-shooter and Swift/UVOT of a new symbiotic star of the accreting-only variety 2022A&A...661A.124M IBIS-A: The IBIS data Archive. High-resolution observations of the solar photosphere and chromosphere with contextual data 2022A&A...661A..74E Swiss-cheese cosmologies with variable G and Λ from the renormalization group 2022PhRvD.105h3532A Author Correction: Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by gamma rays 2022NatAs...6..760A Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by gamma rays 2022NatAs...6..689A Investigating the architecture and internal structure of the TOI-561 system planets with CHEOPS, HARPS-N, and TESS 2022MNRAS.511.4551L The homogeneous characterisation of Ariel host stars 2022ExA....53..473D Rieger-type cycles on the solar-like star KIC 2852336 2022A&A...660A..33G A pair of sub-Neptunes transiting the bright K-dwarf TOI-1064 characterized with CHEOPS 2022MNRAS.511.1043W Space weathering on inner planetary surface analogues induced by swift multicharged heavy ion bombardment 2022Icar..37514830M The ODYSSEUS Survey. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109 2022AJ....163..114E Transit timing variations of AU Microscopii b and c 2022A&A...659L...7S CHEOPS geometric albedo of the hot Jupiter HD 209458 b 2022A&A...659L...4B Classical Cepheid period-Wesenheit-metallicity relation in the Gaia bands 2022A&A...659A.167R Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations 2022A&A...659A.136M The atmosphere and architecture of WASP-189 b probed by its CHEOPS phase curve 2022A&A...659A..74D Measuring the F-corona intensity through time correlation of total and polarized visible light images 2022A&A...659A..50B Mass transfer and tidally tilted pulsation in the Algol-type system TZ Dra 2022MNRAS.510.1413K Hiding in plain sight: observing planet-starspot crossings with the James Webb Space Telescope 2022MNRAS.509.5030B Three years of muography at Mount Etna: results and perspectives 2022JInst..17C2003G Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles through CME-driven Shock and Streamer Interaction 2022ApJ...926..227F Detection of the tidal deformation of WASP-103b at 3 σ with CHEOPS (Corrigendum) 2022A&A...658C...1B A model for spin-orbit commensurability and synchronous starspot activity in stars with close-by planets 2022A&A...658A.195L Dynamical masses for two M1 + mid-M dwarf binaries monitored during the SPHERE-SHINE survey 2022A&A...658A.145B The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXII. The revealing non-detection of metastable He I in the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter WASP-80b 2022A&A...658A.136F Probing Kepler's hottest small planets via homogeneous search and analysis of optical secondary eclipses and phase variations 2022A&A...658A.132S Spi-OPS: Spitzer and CHEOPS confirm the near-polar orbit of MASCARA-1 b and reveal a hint of dayside reflection 2022A&A...658A..75H The PLATO field selection process. I. Identification and content of the long-pointing fields 2022A&A...658A..31N On the Evolution of a Sub-C Class Flare: A Showcase for the Capabilities of the Revamped Catania Solar Telescope 2022SoPh..297....7R The Role of Interactions Between Stars and Their Planets 2022ASSL..466...85L The Emission Spectrum of the Hot Jupiter WASP-79b from HST/WFC3 2022AJ....163....7F Gyrochronological dating of the stellar moving group Group X 2022A&A...657L...3M The dynamics of three nearby E0 galaxies in refracted gravity 2022A&A...657A.133C Detection of the tidal deformation of WASP-103b at 3 σ with CHEOPS 2022A&A...657A..52B |
Comparative case study of two methods to assess the eruptive potential of selected active regions 2021RAA....21..313Z Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-metall) survey - I. HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopy of 47 classical Cepheids and 1 BL Her variables 2021MNRAS.508.4047R TESS Asteroseismology of α Mensae: Benchmark Ages for a G7 Dwarf and Its M Dwarf Companion 2021ApJ...922..229C TOI-2109: An Ultrahot Gas Giant on a 16 hr Orbit 2021AJ....162..256W Wolf 503 b: Characterization of a Sub-Neptune Orbiting a Metal-poor K Dwarf 2021AJ....162..238P The first coronal mass ejection observed in both visible-light and UV H I Ly-α channels of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter 2021A&A...656L..14A Asteroseismogyrometry of low-mass red giants. I. The SOLA inversion method 2021A&A...656A.151P Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Stock 2, a little-studied open cluster with an eMSTO 2021A&A...656A.149A PENELLOPE. II. CVSO 104: A pre-main sequence close binary with an optical companion in Ori OB1 2021A&A...656A.138F First light observations of the solar wind in the outer corona with the Metis coronagraph 2021A&A...656A..32R Cosmic-ray flux predictions and observations for and with Metis on board Solar Orbiter 2021A&A...656A..15G Muography as a new complementary tool in monitoring volcanic hazard: implications for early warning systems 2021RSPSA.47710320L Direct evidence that twisted flux tube emergence creates solar active regions 2021NatCo..12.6621M Analysis of Early Science observations with the CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS) using PYCHEOPS 2021MNRAS.tmp.3057M The STAR-MELT PYTHON package for emission-line analysis of YSOs 2021MNRAS.507.3331C Asteroseismology of iota Draconis and Discovery of an Additional Long-period Companion 2021AJ....162..211H Solar surges related to UV bursts. Characterization through k-means, inversions, and density diagnostics 2021A&A...655A..28N The Aperture Array Verification System 1: System overview and early commissioning results 2021A&A...655A...5B Calibrating the lithium-age relation and its dependence with rotation, activity and metallicity using open clusters and associations 2021scgr.confE...9G PLATO's capability in studying Phase Curves 2021plat.confE..38S Radio continuum sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud 2021MNRAS.507.2885F A scaling relationship for non-thermal radio emission from ordered magnetospheres: from the top of the main sequence to planets 2021MNRAS.507.1979L Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission 2021ExA...tmp..124S TOI-1278 B: SPIRou Unveils a Rare Brown Dwarf Companion in Close-in Orbit around an M Dwarf 2021AJ....162..144A Astronomical source finding services for the CIRASA visual analytic platform 2021A&C....3700506R Exploring and interrogating astrophysical data in virtual reality 2021A&C....3700502J Modeling the remnants of core-collapse supernovae from luminous blue variable stars 2021A&A...654A.167U The changing face of AU Mic b: stellar spots, spin-orbit commensurability, and transit timing variations as seen by CHEOPS and TESS 2021A&A...654A.159S The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect revolutions: an ultra-short period planet and a warm mini-Neptune on perpendicular orbits 2021A&A...654A.152B Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG. Atmospheric parameters of members of 16 unstudied open clusters 2021A&A...654A..77Z The obliquity and atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter TOI-1431b (MASCARA-5b): A misaligned orbit and no signs of atomic or molecular absorptions 2021A&A...654A..73S A UV spectrograph for the LAPSUS project 2021SPIE11876E..0JM Exploiting timing capabilities of the CHEOPS mission with warm-Jupiter planets 2021MNRAS.506.3810B A first glimpse at the Galactic plane with the ASKAP: the SCORPIO field 2021MNRAS.506.2232U The EBLM project - VIII. First results for M-dwarf mass, radius, and effective temperature measurements using CHEOPS light curves 2021MNRAS.506..306S Instruments Operations, Science and Innovation in Expedition Support: EuroMoonMars-Etna campaign 2021 2021EPSC...15..848R Evolution and alteration of organic material on Ceres, a pathway towards the understanding of complex geological and chemical history of a wet small body 2021EPSC...15..723P Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectroscopy of space-related ices 2021EPSC...15..580I Study of the changes of the distribution of spectral properties of S-type asteroidal dynamical families with age: Mean values and Skewness. 2021EPSC...15..464M The PLATO mission: Overview and status 2021EPSC...15...90R CHEOPS precision phase curve of the Super-Earth 55 Cancri e 2021A&A...653A.173M Rieger-type periodicity in the total irradiance of the Sun as a star during solar cycles 23-24 2021A&A...653A.146G An internal heating mechanism operating in ultra-short-period planets orbiting magnetically active stars 2021A&A...653A.112L The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXXI. The WASP-33 system revisited with HARPS-N 2021A&A...653A.104B The all-sky PLATO input catalogue 2021A&A...653A..98M Penumbral decay observed in active region NOAA 12585 2021A&A...653A..93M The Gaia-ESO Survey: a new approach to chemically characterising young open clusters. II. Abundances of the neutron-capture elements Cu, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, and Ce 2021A&A...653A..67B Uncovering the ultimate planet impostor. An eclipsing brown dwarf in a hierarchical triple with two evolved stars 2021A&A...653A..40L A comparative study of convolutional neural networks for the detection of strong gravitational lensing 2021MNRAS.505.6155M Modelling of SN 2013dx associated with the low-redshift GRB130702A points to diversity in GRB/SN properties 2021MNRAS.505.4106M A modular telescope facility to investigate the cosmic ray decoherence curve 2021JInst..16.8006R The gravitational field of a star in quadratic gravity 2021JCAP...08..050B The Palomar Transient Factory Core-collapse Supernova Host-galaxy Sample. I. Host-galaxy Distribution Functions and Environment Dependence of Core-collapse Supernovae 2021ApJS..255...29S A calibration of the Rossby number from asteroseismology 2021A&A...652L...2C Effects of the chromospheric Lyα line profile shape on the determination of the solar wind H I outflow velocity using the Doppler dimming technique 2021A&A...652A..85C Gaia Early Data Release 3. Gaia photometric science alerts 2021A&A...652A..76H GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOsT). III. A pilot study of stellar and accretion properties 2021A&A...652A..72A Asteroseismology of the Red-giant Hosts KOI-3886 and iota Draconis 2021tsc2.confE..84C Do Metallic-Line A (Am) Stars Pulsate? Results from TESS Cycles 1-3 2021tsc2.confE..38G A journey of exploration to the polar regions of a star: probing the solar poles and the heliosphere from high helio-latitude 2021ExA...tmp...93H The homogeneous characterisation of Ariel host stars 2021ExA...tmp...83D HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIV. A candidate super-Earth orbiting the M-dwarf GJ 9689 with a period close to half the stellar rotation period 2021A&A...651A..93M The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). III. The demographics of young giant exoplanets below 300 au with SPHERE 2021A&A...651A..72V The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). II. Observations, data reduction and analysis, detection performances, and initial results 2021A&A...651A..71L The SPHERE infrared survey for exoplanets (SHINE). I. Sample definition and target characterization 2021A&A...651A..70D A Comparative Study of Planetary Atmospheres in Low-Metallicity Environments 2021hst..prop16736S A comparative study of atmospheric escape in the brightest system of super-earths straddling the evaporation valley 2021hst..prop16726E Laboratory testbed for the calibration and the validation of the shadow position sensor subsystem of the PROBA3 ESA mission 2021SPIE11852E..6QL On-ground flat-field calibration of the Metis coronagraph onboard the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 2021SPIE11852E..5BC Challenges during Metis-Solar Orbiter commissioning phase 2021SPIE11852E..5AR In-flight calibration of Metis coronagraph on board of Solar Orbiter 2021SPIE11852E..48L First-light Science Observations of the Metis Solar Coronagraph 2021SPIE11852E..11F In-flight optical performance assessment for the Metis solar coronagraph 2021SPIE11852E..10D Regular black holes with stable cores 2021PhRvD.103l4027B Transit detection of the long-period volatile-rich super-Earth ν2 Lupi d with CHEOPS 2021NatAs...5..775D Metrology on-board PROBA-3: The shadow position sensors subsystem 2021AdSpR..67.3807N PROBA-3 mission and the Shadow Position Sensors: Metrology measurement concept and budget 2021AdSpR..67.3793L The Dark World: A Tale of WASP-43b in Reflected Light with HST WFC3/UVIS 2021AJ....161..269F Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties (Corrigendum) 2021A&A...650C...3G A search for transiting planets around hot subdwarfs. I. Methods and performance tests on light curves from Kepler, K2, TESS, and CHEOPS 2021A&A...650A.205V PENELLOPE: The ESO data legacy program to complement the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars (ULLYSES). I. Survey presentation and accretion properties of Orion OB1 and σ-Orionis 2021A&A...650A.196M Dispersal timescale of protoplanetary disks in the low-metallicity young cluster Dolidze 25 2021A&A...650A.157G Formation of complex organic molecules in molecular clouds: acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol, ketene, and ethanol via the "energetic" processing of C2H2 ice 2021A&A...650A..85C Multiscale behaviour of stellar activity and rotation of the planet host Kepler-30 2021A&A...650A..40D A SOPHIE RV search for giant planets around young nearby stars (YNS). A combination with the HARPS YNS survey 2021A&A...650A..39G Effective field equations and scale-dependent couplings in gravity 2021PhRvD.103j4025B Segmentation of spectroscopic images of the low solar atmosphere by the self-organizing map technique 2021MNRAS.503.2676S Limits on the presence of planets in systems with debris discs: HD 92945 and HD 107146 2021MNRAS.503.1276M HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIII. A sub-Neptune around the M dwarf GJ 720 A 2021A&A...649A.157G The GAPS programme at TNG. XXX. Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and atmospheric dynamics of KELT-20b 2021A&A...649A..29R Six transiting planets and a chain of Laplace resonances in TOI-178 2021A&A...649A..26L Gaia Early Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry 2021A&A...649A...9G Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Galactic anticentre 2021A&A...649A...8G Gaia Early Data Release 3. Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds 2021A&A...649A...7G Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars 2021A&A...649A...6G Gaia Early Data Release 3. The astrometric solution 2021A&A...649A...2L Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties 2021A&A...649A...1G Five carbon- and nitrogen-bearing species in a hot giant planet's atmosphere 2021Natur.592..205G TOI-257b (HD 19916b): a warm sub-saturn orbiting an evolved F-type star 2021MNRAS.502.3704A The observation of different aerosols types in the Mount Etna environment and their relative and mutual impacts on local radiative balance 2021EGUGA..2312380S Three-dimensional distribution of Mount Etna's emissions during the EPL-REFLECT campaign in July 2019 2021EGUGA..2310664S The Planck Submillimeter Properties of Galactic High-mass Star-forming Regions: Dust Temperatures, Luminosities, Masses, and Star Formation Efficiency 2021ApJ...911...69P A super-Earth on a close-in orbit around the M1V star GJ 740. A HADES and CARMENES collaboration 2021A&A...648A..20T TOI-178: the best laboratory for testing planetary formation theories 2021jwst.prop.2319H It's COMplicated: Disentangling the formation pathways of complex organic molecules from molecular clouds to comets. 2021jwst.prop.1854M Mapping inclined disk astrochemical signatures (MIDAS) 2021jwst.prop.1751M PROJECT-J: PROtostellar JEt's Cradle Tested with JWST 2021jwst.prop.1706N A chemical census of volatile ices in protostellar envelopes 2021jwst.prop.1611P Observing planet-starspot crossings with the James Webb Space Telescope 2021csss.confE.174B GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOsT): toward a complete characterization of the YSOs in the star forming region 2021csss.confE..74G Evolutionary map of the Universe (EMU): Compact radio sources in the SCORPIO field towards the galactic plane 2021MNRAS.502...60R An unusually low density ultra-short period super-Earth and three mini-Neptunes around the old star TOI-561 2021MNRAS.501.4148L UVscope and its application aboard the ASTRI-Horn telescope 2021ExA...tmp...22M A Multiwavelength Look at the GJ 9827 System: No Evidence of Extended Atmospheres in GJ 9827b and d from HST and CARMENES Data 2021AJ....161..136C GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOsT). II. Connecting atomic and molecular winds in protoplanetary disks (Corrigendum) 2021A&A...647C...3G Searching for solar-like oscillations in pre-main sequence stars using APOLLO. Can we find the young Sun? 2021A&A...647A.168M HD 344787: a true Polaris analogue? 2021A&A...647A.111R Rossby Waves in Astrophysics 2021SSRv..217...15Z Cavezzo, the first Italian meteorite recovered by the PRISMA fireball network. Orbit, trajectory, and strewn-field 2021MNRAS.501.1215G Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array for probing cosmology and fundamental physics with gamma-ray propagation 2021JCAP...02..048A The CHEOPS mission 2021ExA....51..109B s-processing in AGB Stars Revisited. III. Neutron Captures from MHD Mixing at Different Metallicities and Observational Constraints 2021ApJ...908...55B HAZMAT. VII. The Evolution of Ultraviolet Emission with Age and Rotation for Early M Dwarf Stars 2021ApJ...907...91L PBjam: A Python Package for Automating Asteroseismology of Solar-like Oscillators 2021AJ....161...62N Vacuum ultraviolet photoabsorption spectroscopy of space-related ices: formation and destruction of solid carbonic acid upon 1 keV electron irradiation 2021A&A...646A.172I The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXIX. No detection of reflected light from 51 Peg b using optical high-resolution spectroscopy 2021A&A...646A.159S CHEOPS observations of the HD 108236 planetary system: a fifth planet, improved ephemerides, and planetary radii 2021A&A...646A.157B A warm molecular ring in AG Car: composing the mass-loss puzzle 2021MNRAS.500.5500B New high-frequency radio observations of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant with the Italian radio telescopes 2021MNRAS.500.5177L Long-term photospheric instabilities and envelopes dynamics in the post-AGB binary system 89 Herculis 2021MNRAS.500..926G Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre 2021JCAP...01..057A Multiparametric approach to the assessment of muon tomographic results for the inspection of a full-scale container 2021EPJP..136..139R Erratum: "HAZMAT. IV. Flares and Superflares on Young M Stars in the Far Ultraviolet" (2018, ApJ, 867, 70) 2021ApJ...907...59L Investigating the Mini and Giant Radio Flare Episodes of Cygnus X-3 2021ApJ...906...10E Constraining the age of young stellar clusters via the amplitude of photometric variability 2021A&A...645A.144M Monitoring the radio emission of Proxima Centauri 2021A&A...645A..77P The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXVIII. A pair of hot-Neptunes orbiting the young star TOI-942 2021A&A...645A..71C |
SOXS end-to-end simulator: development and applications for pipeline design 2020SPIE11450E..1BG MAORY: optical configuration and expected optical performances 2020SPIE11448E..34M Operational modes and efficiency of SOXS 2020SPIE11447E..7CC The AIV strategy of the common path of Son Of X-Shooter 2020SPIE11447E..6PB Manufacturing, integration, and mechanical verification of SOXS 2020SPIE11447E..6OA Development status of the UV-VIS detector system of SOXS for the ESO-NTT telescope 2020SPIE11447E..6CC Design and development of the SOXS calibration unit 2020SPIE11447E..66K Final design and development status of the acquisition and guiding system for SOXS 2020SPIE11447E..5VB The development status of the NIR Arm of the new SoXS instrument at the ESO/NTT telescope 2020SPIE11447E..5NV Progress on the UV-VIS arm of SOXS 2020SPIE11447E..5LR SOXS: effects on optical performances due to gravity flexures, temperature variations, and subsystems alignment 2020SPIE11447E..5FZ IBIS2.0: The new Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2020SPIE11447E..0ZE Development status of the SOXS spectrograph for the ESO-NTT telescope 2020SPIE11447E..09S Design and prototyping of the Italian Tile Processing Module 1.6 (ITPM) for the low-frequency aperture array deployment 2020SPIE11445E..74S The signal processing chain of the Low Frequency Aperture Array 2020SPIE11445E..71C Trajectory generation methods for radio and optical telescopes 2020SPIE11445E..53S LOCNES: A solar telescope to study the stellar activity in the near infrared 2020SPIE11445E..2SC Product assurance for the PLATO Telescope optical unit 2020SPIE11443E..4RC PLATO telescope optical units: an update on working status 2020SPIE11443E..12M TOI-257b (HD 19916b): A Warm sub-Saturn Orbiting an Evolved F-type Star 2020MNRAS.tmp.3757A The auroral radio emission of the magnetic B-type star ρ-=OphC 2020MNRAS.499L..72L Evidence of vertical abundance stratification in the SB1 star HD 161660: a new HgMn 2020MNRAS.499.3720C Data Analysis of Bright Main-Sequence A- and B-type Stars Observed Using the TESS and BRITE Spacecraft (Abstract) 2020JAVSO..48..263G LAMOST Observations in 15 K2 Campaigns. I. Low-resolution Spectra from LAMOST DR6 2020ApJS..251...27W Estimating the Ultraviolet Emission of M Dwarfs with Exoplanets from Ca II and Hα 2020AJ....160..269M Characterization of very wide companion candidates to young stars with planets and disks 2020A&A...644A.169M Three open clusters containing Cepheids: NGC 6649, NGC 6664, and Berkeley 55 2020A&A...644A.136A A triple star in disarray. Multi-epoch observations of T Tauri with VLT-SPHERE and LBT-LUCI 2020A&A...644A.114K HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XII. The abundance signature of M dwarf stars with planets 2020A&A...644A..68M Activity-rotation in the dM4 star Gl 729. A possible chromospheric cycle 2020A&A...644A...2I Characterization method to achieve simultaneous absolute PDE measurements of all pixels of an ASTRI Mini-Array camera tile 2020NIMPA.98064489B The CHEOPS mission 2020ExA...tmp...53B On the regularization of Lifshitz-type field theories 2020EPJC...80.1081B Phase II of the LAMOST-Kepler/K2 Survey. I. Time Series of Medium-resolution Spectroscopic Observations 2020ApJS..251...15Z The hot dayside and asymmetric transit of WASP-189 b seen by CHEOPS 2020A&A...643A..94L The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibrating the lithium-age relation with open clusters and associations. I. Cluster age range and initial membership selections 2020A&A...643A..71G GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOsT). II. Connecting atomic and molecular winds in protoplanetary disks 2020A&A...643A..32G Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG. The old open clusters Collinder 350, Gulliver 51, NGC 7044, and Ruprecht 171 2020A&A...643A..12C Overview of the LAMOST-Kepler project 2020RAA....20..167F Introduction of Zeeman splitting in CHIANTI 2020JPlPh..86e8402G Discovery of Ground-state Absorption Line Polarization and Sub-Gauss Magnetic Field in the Post-AGB Binary System 89 Her 2020ApJ...902L...7Z Gaia Data Release 2. The kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way (Corrigendum) 2020A&A...642C...1G Period-luminosity-metallicity relation of classical Cepheids 2020A&A...642A.230R The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXVII. Reassessment of a young planetary system with HARPS-N: is the hot Jupiter V830 Tau b really there? 2020A&A...642A.133D The Gaia-ESO Survey: A new diagnostic for accretion and outflow activity in the young cluster NGC 2264 2020A&A...642A..56B The GAPS programme at TNG. XXVI. Magnetic activity in M stars: spectroscopic monitoring of AD Leonis 2020A&A...642A..53D Unveiling the β Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, interferometric, and radial velocity data 2020A&A...642A..18L Metis: the Solar Orbiter visible light and ultraviolet coronal imager 2020A&A...642A..10A Coordination within the remote sensing payload on the Solar Orbiter mission 2020A&A...642A...6A The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan. Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action 2020A&A...642A...3Z Models and data analysis tools for the Solar Orbiter mission 2020A&A...642A...2R Orbital period modulation in hot Jupiter systems 2020MNRAS.497.3911L PTF11rka: an interacting supernova at the crossroads of stripped-envelope and H-poor superluminous stellar core collapses 2020MNRAS.497.3542P Non-extensive processes associated with heating of the Galactic disc 2020EL....13169002V A survey for occultation astrometry of main belt: expected astrometric performances 2020A&A...641A..81F The GAPS programme at TNG. XXIV. An eccentric Neptune-mass planet near the inner edge of the BD-11 4672 habitable zone 2020A&A...641A..68B Critical reflections on asymptotically safe gravity 2020FrP.....8..269B Restoring Process of Sunspot Penumbra 2020ApJ...899..129R Fast and Automated Peak Bagging with DIAMONDS (FAMED) 2020A&A...640A.130C The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXV. Stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical composition through GIARPS optical and near-infrared spectra 2020A&A...640A.123B Differences in Periodic Magnetic Helicity Injection Behavior between Flaring and Non-flaring Active Regions: Case Study 2020ApJ...897L..23K ISO-ChaI 52: a weakly accreting young stellar object with a dipper light curve 2020A&A...639L...8F V363 Cassiopeiae: a new lithium-rich Galactic Cepheid 2020A&A...639L...4C X-shooter survey of disk accretion in Upper Scorpius. I. Very high accretion rates at age > 5 Myr 2020A&A...639A..58M The GAPS programme at TNG. XXIII. HD 164922 d: close-in super-Earth discovered with HARPS-N in a system with a long-period Saturn mass companion 2020A&A...639A..50B The GAPS programme at TNG. XXII. The GIARPS view of the extended helium atmosphere of HD 189733 b accounting for stellar activity 2020A&A...639A..49G Orbital and spectral characterization of the benchmark T-type brown dwarf HD 19467B 2020A&A...639A..47M Scientific prospects for a mini-array of ASTRI telescopes: A γ-ray TeV data challenge 2020JHEAp..26...83P TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of the Known Exoplanet Host Star HD 222076 2020ApJ...896...65J The EXOTIME project: signals in the O-C diagrams of the rapidly pulsating subdwarfs DW Lyn, V1636 Ori, QQ Vir, and V541 Hya 2020A&A...638A.108M The GAPS Programme at TNG. XXI. A GIARPS case study of known young planetary candidates: confirmation of HD 285507 b and refutation of AD Leonis b 2020A&A...638A...5C The penumbral solar filaments from the photosphere to the chromosphere 2020JPhCS1548a2017M Outflows and Disks around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of Ullyses Spectra (ODYSSEUS) 2020hst..prop16129H Optical design of the multi-wavelength imaging coronagraph Metis for the solar orbiter mission 2020ExA....49..239F EARLINET/ACTRIS Early Warning System for atmospheric aerosol aviation hazards 2020EGUGA..2218368P HAZMAT VI: The Evolution of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Emitted from Early M Stars 2020ApJ...895....5P Neutral Iron Emission Lines from the Dayside of KELT-9b: The GAPS Program with HARPS-N at TNG XX 2020ApJ...894L..27P Petroleum, coal and other organics in space 2020Ap&SS.365...81C Gaia Data Release 2. Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way (Corrigendum) 2020A&A...637C...3G Discovery of new members of the nearby young stellar association in Cepheus 2020A&A...637A..43K Improvements of data analysis and self-consistent monitoring methods for the MEV telescope 2020NIMPA.95862052G Evidence for radio and X-ray auroral emissions from the magnetic B-type star ρ Oph A 2020MNRAS.493.4657L Spectroscopy of hot γ Doradus and A-F hybrid Kepler candidates close to the hot border of the δ Scuti instability strip 2020MNRAS.493.4518K Distorted surfaces of magnetic helium-peculiar stars: an application to a Cen 2020MNRAS.493.2140K A New Helioseismic Constraint on a Cosmic-time Variation of G 2020ApJ...893L..35B MUSE Observations of NGC330 in the Small Magellanic Cloud: Helium Abundance of Bright Main-sequence Stars 2020AJ....159..152C Competing effect of wind braking and interior coupling in the rotational evolution of solar-like stars 2020A&A...636A..76S The Hi-GAL catalogue of dusty filamentary structures in the Galactic plane 2020MNRAS.492.5420S Multiwavelength behaviour of the blazar 3C 279: decade-long study from γ-ray to radio 2020MNRAS.492.3829L Disk of 2MASS 15491331-3539118 = GQ Lup C as seen by HST and WISE 2020A&A...635L..11L 2MASS J15491331-3539118: a new low-mass wide companion of the GQ Lup system 2020A&A...635L...1A Formation of complex molecules in translucent clouds: acetaldehyde, vinyl alcohol, ketene, and ethanol via "nonenergetic" processing of C2H2 ice 2020A&A...635A.199C The Gaia-ESO Survey: detection and characterisation of single-line spectroscopic binaries 2020A&A...635A.155M WASP-52b. The effect of star-spot correction on atmospheric retrievals 2020MNRAS.491.5361B Photometric rotation periods for 107 M dwarfs from the APACHE survey 2020MNRAS.491.5216G Current Population Statistics Do Not Favor Photoevaporation over Core-powered Mass Loss as the Dominant Cause of the Exoplanet Radius Gap 2020ApJ...890...23L Detection and Characterization of Oscillating Red Giants: First Results from the TESS Satellite 2020ApJ...889L..34A First detection of the Crab Nebula at TeV energies with a Cherenkov telescope in a dual-mirror Schwarzschild-Couder configuration: the ASTRI-Horn telescope 2020A&A...634A..22L Age dating of an early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the naked-eye star ν Indi 2020NatAs...4..382C Internal magnetic fields, spin-orbit coupling, and orbital period modulation in close binary systems 2020MNRAS.491.1820L Detection of lithium in massive stars 2020MmSAI..91..114N Gravitational antiscreening in stellar interiors 2020JCAP...01..022B A Digital Beamformer for the PHAROS2 Phased Array Feed 2020JAI.....950013M The 3D structure of the penumbra at high resolution from the bottom of the photosphere to the middle chromosphere 2020IAUS..354..448M Impact of small-scale emerging flux from the photosphere to the corona: a case study from IRIS 2020IAUS..354..439G CME deflections due to magnetic forces from the Sun and Kepler-63 2020IAUS..354..421M Analysis of the chromosphere and corona of low-activity early-M dwarfs 2020IAUS..354..355S Laboratory investigations aimed at building a database for the interpretation of JWST spectra 2020IAUS..350...77P Synthesis of solid-state complex organic molecules through accretion of simple species at low temperatures 2020IAUS..350...46Q Continuum Enhancements, Line Profiles, and Magnetic Field Evolution during Consecutive Flares 2020ApJ...889...65Z Erratum: “An 11 Earth-mass, Long-period Sub-Neptune Orbiting a Sun-like Star” (2019, AJ, 158, 165) 2020AJ....159...34M A dusty benchmark brown dwarf near the ice line of HD 72946 2020A&A...633L...2M An ultra-short period rocky super-Earth orbiting the G2-star HD 80653 2020A&A...633A.133F Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye 2020A&A...633A..98W A HARPS RV search for planets around young nearby stars 2020A&A...633A..44G Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Revisiting the metallicity of Praesepe (M 44) 2020A&A...633A..38D |
Using HARPS-N to characterize the long-period planets in the PH-2 and Kepler-103 systems 2019MNRAS.490.5103D Study of the galactic radio sources in the SCORPIO survey resolved by ATCA at 2.1 GHz 2019MNRAS.490.5063I Global simulations of Tayler instability in stellar interiors: the stabilizing effect of gravity 2019MNRAS.490.4281G A PSF-based Approach to TESS High quality data Of Stellar clusters (PATHOS) - I. Search for exoplanets and variable stars in the field of 47 Tuc 2019MNRAS.490.3806N Metis: the Solar Orbiter Visible Light and Ultraviolet Coronal Imager Scientific Objectives 2019AGUFMSH24A..09S X-shooter spectroscopy of young stars with disks. The TW Hydrae association as a probe of the final stages of disk accretion 2019A&A...632A..46V Stellar population astrophysics (SPA) with the TNG. Characterization of the young open cluster The ASKAP EMU Early Science Project: radio continuum survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud 2019MNRAS.490.1202J Radial velocity confirmation of K2-100b: a young, highly irradiated, and low-density transiting hot Neptune 2019MNRAS.490..698B Gaussian process modelling of granulation and oscillations in red giant stars 2019MNRAS.489.5764P TESS Asteroseismology of the Known Red-giant Host Stars HD 212771 and HD 203949 2019ApJ...885...31C SPHERE: the exoplanet imager for the Very Large Telescope 2019A&A...631A.155B A comprehensive study of NGC 2345, a young open cluster with a low metallicity 2019A&A...631A.124A GIARPS High-resolution Observations of T Tauri stars (GHOsT). I. Jet line emission 2019A&A...631A..44G The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIX. Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and improved parameters of KELT-9b 2019A&A...631A..34B Cuc(aesar) source finder: Recent developments and testing 2019PASA...36...37R Biases in retrieving planetary signals in the presence of quasi-periodic stellar activity 2019MNRAS.489.2555D SuperWASP dispositions and false positive catalogue 2019MNRAS.488.4905S Magnetism of massive stars in the early Universe 2019MNRAS.488.4546U Multidiagnostics setups for magnetoplasmas devoted to astrophysics and nuclear astrophysics research in compact traps 2019JInst..14C0008N ASTERICS/OBELICS Authentication and Authorization: Investigations and Status 2019ASPC..521..213K Visual Analytics in Astrophysics: a Novel Tool Integrated into VisIVO 2019ASPC..521..197B Predicting Granulation “Flicker” and Radial Velocity “Jitter” from Spectroscopic Observables 2019ApJ...883..195T An 11 Earth-mass, Long-period Sub-Neptune Orbiting a Sun-like Star 2019AJ....158..165M The origin of R CrA variability. A complex triple system hosting a disk 2019A&A...630A.132S A possibly inflated planet around the bright young star DS Tucanae A 2019A&A...630A..81B Luminous red novae: Stellar mergers or giant eruptions? 2019A&A...630A..75P The ASTRI-Horn telescope validation toward the production of the ASTRI Mini-Array: a proposed pathfinder for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019SPIE11119E..1EG The innovative Cherenkov camera based on SiPM sensors of the ASTRI-Horn telescope: from the T/M and electrical design to the full assembly and testing in a harsh environment 2019SPIE11114E..0AC The ASTRI Camera control software of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019NPPP..306...28S Erratum: HD 226766: a hierarchical SB3 system with two twin Am stars 2019MNRAS.488..480C Examining the effects of both heating and irradiation on minerals analogs of Mercury 2019EPSC...13.1542B Oxygen in the Ganymede's surface: new laboratory measurements 2019EPSC...13..565M The Cherenkov Telescope Array 2019BAAS...51g.291W Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout 2019APh...111...35A Broadband spectroscopy of astrophysical ice analogues. I. Direct measurement of the complex refractive index of CO ice using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 2019A&A...629A.112G Catalog for the ESPRESSO blind radial velocity exoplanet survey 2019A&A...629A..80H The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibrating a relationship between age and the [C/N] abundance ratio with open clusters 2019A&A...629A..62C GRB 161219B/SN 2016jca: a powerful stellar collapse 2019MNRAS.487.5824A Atmospheric Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of KELT-9b 2019ESS.....432635R Metals in the emission spectrum of Kelt-9b 2019ESS.....432621P Photolysis of Cometary Organic Dust Analogs on the EXPOSE-R2 Mission at the International Space Station 2019AsBio..19.1018B Mid-IR band strength, density, refractive index, and thermal evolution study for solid CH2DOH pure and in astrophysical relevant mixtures 2019AcSpA.219..288S Acoustic oscillations and dynamo action in the G8 sub-giant EK Eridani 2019A&A...628A.106B C2O and C3O in low-mass star-forming regions 2019A&A...628A..72U OPSys: optical payload systems facility for space instrumentation integration and calibration 2019SPIE11180E..7MC Alignment procedure for the Gregorian telescope of the Metis coronagraph for the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 2019SPIE11180E..76D Optical performance of the Metis coronagraph on the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 2019SPIE11180E..6YF Stray light calibration for the Solar Orbiter/Metis solar coronagraph 2019SPIE11180E..2IL Magnetic field strengths of hot Jupiters from signals of star-planet interactions 2019NatAs...3.1128C HD 226766: a hierarchical SB3 system with two twin Am stars 2019MNRAS.487..919C Synergies between space telescopes in the photometric characterization of the atmospheres of Hot Jupiters 2019MNRAS.486.5867S Evolution of young protoclusters embedded in dense massive clumps. A new grid of population synthesis SED models and a new set of L/M evolutionary tracks 2019MNRAS.486.4508M Reducing activity-induced variations in a radial-velocity time series of the Sun as a star 2019MNRAS.486.3459L Properties of the Umbral Filament Observed in Active Region NOAA 12529 2019ApJ...880...34G Determining the Best Method of Calculating the Large Frequency Separation For Stellar Models 2019ApJ...879...33V Temporal evolution and correlations of optical activity indicators measured in Sun-as-a-star observations 2019A&A...627A.118M Evidence from stellar rotation for early disc dispersal owing to close companions 2019A&A...627A..97M Effect of the non-uniform solar chromospheric Lyα radiation on determining the coronal H I outflow velocity 2019A&A...627A..18D Comparing extrapolations of the coronal magnetic field structure at 2.5 R☉ with multi-viewpoint coronagraphic observations 2019A&A...627A...9S Formation of interstellar propanal and 1-propanol ice: a pathway involving solid-state CO hydrogenation 2019A&A...627A...1Q New high-frequency radio observations of the Cygnus Loop Supernova Remnant 2019sros.confE.186L ASKAP observations of known and new Galactic SNRs 2019sros.confE..49I Evidence of New Magnetic Transitions in Late-type Dwarfs from Gaia DR2 2019ApJ...877..157L The first "second solar spectrum" ever observed in a star different than the sun: A high-resolution spectropolarimetric Atlas of 89 Herculis 2019AN....340..409G A Hot Saturn Orbiting an Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS 2019AJ....157..245H A massive nebula around the luminous blue variable star RMC 143 revealed by ALMA 2019A&A...626A.126A Extension of the HCOOH and CO2 solid-state reaction network during the CO freeze-out stage: inclusion of H2CO 2019A&A...626A.118Q First resolved observations of a highly asymmetric debris disc around HD 160305 with VLT/SPHERE 2019A&A...626A..95P Stellar activity and rotation of the planet host Kepler-17 from long-term space-borne photometry 2019A&A...626A..38L Characterizing black hole metrics in quadratic gravity 2019PhRvD..99j1501B Solar flare forecasting using morphological properties of sunspot groups 2019JSWSC...9A..22F VIALACTEA science gateway for Milky Way analysis 2019FGCS...94..947S Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry as a Tool for Understanding the Diversity of Exoplanetary Atmospheres 2019BAAS...51c..33F The evolution of luminous red nova AT 2017jfs in NGC 4470 2019A&A...625L...8P The HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XI. GJ 685 b: a warm super-Earth around an active M dwarf 2019A&A...625A.126P Lower atmosphere and pressure evolution on Pluto from ground-based stellar occultations, 1988-2016 2019A&A...625A..42M HST/STIS analysis of the first main sequence pulsar CU Virginis 2019A&A...625A..34K First detection of oscillations in the Halo giant HD 122563: Validation of seismic scaling relations and new parameters 2019A&A...625A..33C Nernst Effect and Generation of Magnetic Field in Radiation-Heated Plasma 2019PlPhR..45..366U HARPS-N radial velocities confirm the low densities of the Kepler-9 planets 2019MNRAS.484.3233B The behaviour of chemical elements in 62 Am star candidates 2019MNRAS.484.2530C Fast and automated oscillation frequency extraction using Bayesian multi-modality 2019FrASS...6...21C Small-scale volcanic aerosols variability and processes observed at Mount Etna during the EPL-RADIO measurement campaigns 2019EGUGA..2117435S Heating and cooling of minerals analogs of Mercury 2019EGUGA..2116047B Learning outcomes from the EGU 2018 Public Engagement grant "Shaping geological 3D virtual field-surveys for overcoming motor disabilities" 2019EGUGA..21.8118B Immersive virtual reality for studying volcano-tectonic features: A case study from the northern active rift zone of Iceland 2019EGUGA..21.1159B Photometric Determination of the Mass Accretion Rates of Pre-main-sequence Stars. VI. The Case of LH 95 in the Large Magellanic Cloud 2019ApJ...875...51B The Helium Abundance of NGC 6791 from Modeling of Stellar Oscillations 2019ApJ...874..180M Gliese 49: activity evolution and detection of a super-Earth. A HADES and CARMENES collaboration 2019A&A...624A.123P Hint of curvature in the orbital motion of the exoplanet 51 Eridani b using 3 yr of VLT/SPHERE monitoring 2019A&A...624A.118M An alternative interpretation of the exomoon candidate signal in the combined Kepler and Hubble data of Kepler-1625 2019A&A...624A..95H HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. X. The non-saturated regime of the stellar activity-rotation relationship for M dwarfs 2019A&A...624A..27G Machine-learning approaches to exoplanet transit detection and candidate validation in wide-field ground-based surveys 2019MNRAS.483.5534S The little dippers: transits of star-grazing exocomets? 2019MNRAS.483.3579A Height Dependence of the Penumbral Fine-scale Structure in the Inner Solar Atmosphere 2019ApJ...873..126M The Gaia-ESO Survey: Age spread in the star forming region NGC 6530 from the HR diagram and gravity indicators 2019A&A...623A.159P Gaia Data Release 2. Variable stars in the colour-absolute magnitude diagram 2019A&A...623A.110G SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates. XIX. The transiting temperate giant planet KOI-3680b 2019A&A...623A.104H Sectoral r modes and periodic radial velocity variations of Sun-like stars 2019A&A...623A..50L Fundamental properties of the pre-main sequence eclipsing stars of MML 53 and the mass of the tertiary 2019A&A...623A..23G A giant impact as the likely origin of different twins in the Kepler-107 exoplanet system 2019NatAs...3..416B First long-term activity study of AU Microscopii: a possible chromospheric cycle 2019MNRAS.483.1159I Ion irradiation of N2O ices and NO2:N2O4 ice mixtures: first steps to understand the evolution of molecules with the N-O bond in space 2019MNRAS.483..381F SENSE - Ultimate Low Light-Level Sensor Development 2019JPhCS1181a2082B HADES RV program with HARPS-N at the TNG. IX. A super-Earth around the M dwarf Gl 686 2019A&A...622A.193A SPHERE dynamical and spectroscopic characterization of HD 142527B 2019A&A...622A..96C Two Strong White-Light Solar Flares in AR NOAA 12673 as Potential Clues for Stellar Superflares 2019SoPh..294....4R Satellite observations of reconnection between emerging and pre-existing small-scale magnetic fields 2019NCimC..42...33G Two different approaches to the observation of solar flares: Science or forecasting? 2019NCimC..42...29R Metrology on-board PROBA-3: The Shadow Position Sensor (SPS) subsystem 2019NCimC..42...27N Solar flare forecasting using photospheric active region properties 2019NCimC..42...14F Continuum emission enhancements and penumbral changes observed during flares by IRIS, ROSA, and Hinode 2019NCimC..42...13Z High-resolution observations of the umbral filament in AR NOAA 12529 2019NCimC..42...12G Recent insights on the penumbra formation process 2019NCimC..42...11M Historical solar Ca II K observations at the Rome and Catania observatories 2019NCimC..42....5C Author Correction: The delay of shock breakout due to circumstellar material evident in most type II supernovae 2019NatAs...3..107F The polarization mode of the auroral radio emission from the early-type star HD 142301 2019MNRAS.482L...4L Investigating the high-frequency spectral features of SNRs Tycho, W44, and IC443 with the Sardinia Radio Telescope 2019MNRAS.482.3857L Signatures of an eruptive phase before the explosion of the peculiar core-collapse SN 2013gc 2019MNRAS.482.2750R X-Shooter Survey of Jets and Winds in T Tauri Stars 2019ASSP...55..103N Disentangling the Planet from the Star in Late-Type M Dwarfs: A Case Study of TRAPPIST-1g 2019AJ....157...11W HAZMAT. IV. Flares and Superflares on Young M Stars in the Far Ultraviolet 2019AAS...23320404L Disentangling the planet from the star in late type M dwarfs: A case study of TRAPPIST-1g 2019AAS...23310305W Post-conjunction detection of β Pictoris b with VLT/SPHERE 2019A&A...621L...8L The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVIII. Two new giant planets around the metal-poor stars HD 220197 and HD 233832 2019A&A...621A.110B |
SENSE: A comparison of photon detection efficiency and optical crosstalk of various SiPM devices 2018NIMPA.912..182N Evaluation of silicon photomultipliers for dual-mirror Small-Sized Telescopes of Cherenkov Telescope Array 2018NIMPA.912..177A The Muon Portal Project: Commissioning of the full detector and first results 2018NIMPA.912...16R The Second APOKASC Catalog: The Empirical Approach 2018ApJS..239...32P The HST PanCET Program: Hints of Na I and Evidence of a Cloudy Atmosphere for the Inflated Hot Jupiter WASP-52b 2018AJ....156..298A SOHO/UVCS Observations of the He I 58.4 Line Close to the Sun along the Solar Magnetic Activity Cycle #23 2018AGUFMSH43C3709G SOHO/UVCS observations of low-charge ions close to the Sun during solar magnetic activity cycle #23 2018AGUFMSH43C3708A The Contribution of the Metis Coronagraph to the Synergies of Solar Orbiter with the Parker Solar Probe Mission 2018AGUFMSH43B3705S Hyper hemispheric lens applications in small and micro satellites 2018AdSpR..62.3449P Contemporaneous Broad-Band Photometry and Hα Observations of T Tau Stars 2018AcA....68..403F Combined IR and XPS characterization of organic refractory residues obtained by ion irradiation of simple icy mixtures 2018A&A...620A.123A FliPer: A global measure of power density to estimate surface gravities of main-sequence solar-like stars and red giants 2018A&A...620A..38B Novel silicon photomultipliers suitable for dual-mirror small-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov telescope array 2018NIMPA.908..117R Detection of α Centauri at radio wavelengths: chromospheric emission and search for star-planet interaction 2018MNRAS.481..217T High resolution spectropolarimetry: from Astrophysics to ECR plasmas 2018JInst..13C1020G A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL 2018ExA....46..135T Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of astrophysical ice analogs: A pilot study 2018EPJWC.19506004G Far-ultraviolet Activity Levels of F, G, K, and M Dwarf Exoplanet Host Stars 2018ApJS..239...16F SN 2017ens: The Metamorphosis of a Luminous Broadlined Type Ic Supernova into an SN IIn 2018ApJ...867L..31C HAZMAT. IV. Flares and Superflares on Young M Stars in the Far Ultraviolet 2018ApJ...867...70L K2-265 b: a transiting rocky super-Earth 2018A&A...620A..77L The global sphere reconstruction (GSR). Demonstrating an independent implementation of the astrometric core solution for Gaia 2018A&A...620A..40V High-contrast study of the candidate planets and protoplanetary disk around HD 100546 2018A&A...619A.160S Outstanding X-ray emission from the stellar radio pulsar CU Virginis 2018A&A...619A..33R The MEV project: Design and testing of a new high-resolution telescope for muography of Etna Volcano 2018NIMPA.904..195L The coordinated radio and infrared survey for high-mass star formation - IV. A new radio-selected sample of compact galactic planetary nebulae 2018MNRAS.480.2423I Imaging radial velocity planets with SPHERE 2018MNRAS.480...35Z Gravitational Collapse in Quantum Einstein Gravity 2018FoPh...48.1393B Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Space Time Singularities 2018FoPh...48.1131B LAMOST Observations in the Kepler Field. II. Database of the Low-resolution Spectra from the Five-year Regular Survey 2018ApJS..238...30Z GIADA performance during Rosetta mission scientific operations at comet 67P 2018AdSpR..62.1987S Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the variability processing and analysis results 2018A&A...618A..30H Cosmological bounds on the field content of asymptotically safe gravity-matter models 2018PhLB..784..229B The delay of shock breakout due to circumstellar material evident in most type II supernovae 2018NatAs...2..808F Polarizability of isomeric and related interstellar compounds in the aspect of their abundance 2018MolAs..12...10S Type II supernovae in low-luminosity host galaxies 2018MNRAS.479.3232G Calibrating the metallicity of M dwarfs in wide physical binaries with F-, G-, and K-primaries - I: High-resolution spectroscopy with HERMES: stellar parameters, abundances, and kinematics 2018MNRAS.479.1332M Star-spot distributions and chromospheric activity on the RS CVn type eclipsing binary SV Cam 2018MNRAS.479..875S Solid deuterated water in space: detection constraints from laboratory experiments 2018MNRAS.479..130U A general tool for LTE thermochemistry for adiabatic non-diffusive reactive fluid dynamics: Applications to 2D planar discontinuity flows in SPH 2018JComS..28..101L PLATO: the instrument and the science preparation 2018EPSC...12.1020P GAPS: Results from 5 years of observations 2018EPSC...12..234C Plasma diagnostics update and consequences on the upgrade of existing sources 2018AIPC.2011d0001C The Gaia-ESO Survey: the origin and evolution of s-process elements 2018A&A...617A.106M The HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VIII. GJ15A: a multiple wide planetary system sculpted by binary interaction 2018A&A...617A.104P H2 chemistry in interstellar ices: the case of CO ice hydrogenation in UV irradiated CO:H2 ice mixtures 2018A&A...617A..87C Investigating the young solar system analog HD 95086. A combined HARPS and SPHERE exploration 2018A&A...617A..76C Feedback from reorienting AGN jets. I. Jet-ICM coupling, cavity properties and global energetics 2018A&A...617A..58C The Gaia-ESO Survey: properties of newly discovered Li-rich giants 2018A&A...617A...4S The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVII. Line profile indicators and kernel regression as diagnostics of radial-velocity variations due to stellar activity in solar-like stars 2018A&A...616A.155L From a demonstration model to the flight model: AIV procedures and results for CHEOPS telescope 2018SPIE10698E..54B Wide field of view liquid crystals-based modulator for the polarimeter of the Metis/Solar Orbiter 2018SPIE10698E..30C Vialactea Visual Analytics Tool for Star Formation Studies of the Galactic Plane 2018PASP..130h4503V New photometric and spectroscopic observations of 53 Per 2018pas7.conf..162N The solar-like `Second Spectrum' and polarized metal lines in the emission of the post-AGB binary 89 Herculis 2018MNRAS.480.1656L Oscillating red giants in eclipsing binary systems: empirical reference value for asteroseismic scaling relation 2018MNRAS.478.4669T Far-infrared spectroscopy of proteinogenic and other less common amino acids 2018MNRAS.478.3430I Gaia Data Release 2. Rotational modulation in late-type dwarfs 2018A&A...616A..16L Gaia Data Release 2. The celestial reference frame (Gaia-CRF2) 2018A&A...616A..14G Gaia Data Release 2. Observations of solar system objects 2018A&A...616A..13G Gaia Data Release 2. Kinematics of globular clusters and dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way 2018A&A...616A..12G Gaia Data Release 2. Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics 2018A&A...616A..11G Gaia Data Release 2. Observational Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams 2018A&A...616A..10G Gaia Data Release 2. The astrometric solution 2018A&A...616A...2L Gaia Data Release 2. Summary of the contents and survey properties 2018A&A...616A...1G The ACS/OPC-UA based ICT infrastructure monitoring system of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2018SPIE10707E..30G The SKA dish local monitoring and control system user interface 2018SPIE10707E..2ZM SOXS control electronics design 2018SPIE10707E..2HC Architecture of the SOXS instrument control software 2018SPIE10707E..1GR GIANO-B online data reduction software at the TNG 2018SPIE10706E..42H Introducing GOFIO: a DRS for the GIANO-B near-infrared spectrograph 2018SPIE10702E..66R The common path of SOXS (Son of X-Shooter) 2018SPIE10702E..3TC The assembly integration and test activities for the new SOXS instrument at NTT 2018SPIE10702E..3DB The ASTRI camera for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2018SPIE10702E..37C The mechanical design of SOXS for the NTT 2018SPIE10702E..31A MITS: the multi-imaging transient spectrograph for SOXS 2018SPIE10702E..2ZR The acquisition camera system for SOXS at NTT 2018SPIE10702E..2MB The VIS detector system of SOXS 2018SPIE10702E..2JC The NIR spectrograph for the new SOXS instrument at the NTT 2018SPIE10702E..28V Optical design of the SOXS spectrograph for ESO NTT 2018SPIE10702E..27Z GIARPS: commissioning and first scientific results 2018SPIE10702E..0ZC CARMENES: high-resolution spectra and precise radial velocities in the red and infrared 2018SPIE10702E..0WQ SOXS: a wide band spectrograph to follow up transients 2018SPIE10702E..0FS ASTRI SST-2M: the design evolution from the prototype to the array telescope 2018SPIE10700E..5WM LOCNES: low cost NIR extended solar telescope 2018SPIE10700E..4NC PLATO: the ESA mission for exo-planets discovery 2018SPIE10698E..4XM Modeling the JANUS stray-light behavior 2018SPIE10698E..4VG The design of the instrument control unit and its role within the data processing system of the ESA PLATO Mission 2018SPIE10698E..4GF The telescope optical unit prototype AIV in the framework of the PLATO ESA mission 2018SPIE10698E..4AU A comparison between the opto-thermo-mechanical model and lab measurements for CHEOPS 2018SPIE10698E..3BM Calibration of the liquid crystal visible-light polarimeter for the Metis/Solar Orbiter coronagraph 2018SPIE10698E..31C Determination of SB2 masses and age: introduction of the mass ratio in the Bayesian analysis 2018MNRAS.477.4077G Spin-Orbit Alignment of Planetary Systems (SOAPS): The case of 64 Kepler planets and planet candidates 2018csss.confE..56G The Rotational Shear Layer inside the Early Red-giant Star KIC 4448777 2018ApJ...862....9D Gaia DR2 view of the Lupus V-VI clouds: The candidate diskless young stellar objects are mainly background contaminants 2018A&A...615L...1M Eyes on K2-3: A system of three likely sub-Neptunes characterized with HARPS-N and HARPS 2018A&A...615A..69D The Gaia-ESO Survey: a kinematical and dynamical study of four young open clusters 2018A&A...615A..37B SUDARE: The Supernova Search with OmegaCAM@VST 2018vels.confE..28C KIC 7599132: an ellipsoidal variable in a close SB1 system 2018MNRAS.477.2020C First scattered light detection of a nearly edge-on transition disk around the T Tauri star RY Lupi 2018A&A...614A..88L Formation flying metrology system for the ESA-PROBA3 mission: the Shadow Positioning Sensors (SPS) 2018SPIE10695E..03L A combined multiwavelength VLA/ALMA/Chandra study unveils the complex magnetosphere of the B-type star HR5907 2018MNRAS.476..562L Asteroseismology of KIC 7107778: a binary comprising almost identical subgiants 2018MNRAS.476..470L New disk discovered with VLT/SPHERE around the M star GSC 07396-00759 2018A&A...613L...6S Multi-band high resolution spectroscopy rules out the hot Jupiter BD+20 1790b. First data from the GIARPS Commissioning 2018A&A...613A..50C The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XVI. Measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect of transiting planetary systems HAT-P-3, HAT-P-12, HAT-P-22, WASP-39, and WASP-60 2018A&A...613A..41M Bayesian peak bagging analysis of 19 low-mass low-luminosity red giants observed with Kepler (Corrigendum) 2018A&A...612C...2C Full exploration of the giant planet population around β Pictoris 2018A&A...612A.108L A spectroscopic survey of the youngest field stars in the solar neighborhood . II. The optically faint sample 2018A&A...612A..96F New spectro-photometric characterization of the substellar object HR 2562 B using SPHERE 2018A&A...612A..92M Mapping the solar wind HI outflow velocity in the inner heliosphere by coronagraphic ultraviolet and visible-light observations 2018A&A...612A..84D The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) 2018MNRAS.475.4476W Cosmic ray processing of N2-containing interstellar ice analogues at dark cloud conditions 2018MNRAS.475.1819F 16 December 2013 Etna eruption: first estimates of Extinction to Backscattering ratio near the source by an Elastic/Raman lidar system 2018EGUGA..2015659S IRIS Observations of Magnetic Interactions in the Solar Atmosphere between Preexisting and Emerging Magnetic Fields. I. Overall Evolution 2018ApJ...856..127G HADES RV programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VII. Rotation and activity of M-dwarfs from time-series high-resolution spectroscopy of chromospheric indicators 2018A&A...612A..89S Formation of interstellar methanol ice prior to the heavy CO freeze-out stage 2018A&A...612A..83Q Accurate millimetre and submillimetre rest frequencies for cis- and trans-dithioformic acid, HCSSH 2018A&A...612A..56P An Earth-sized exoplanet with a Mercury-like composition 2018NatAs...2..393S Bouncing and emergent cosmologies from Arnowitt-Deser-Misner RG flows 2018CQGra..35f5004B Formation of Penumbra in a Sample of Active Regions Observed by the SDO Satellite 2018ApJ...855...58M Suppressed Far-UV Stellar Activity and Low Planetary Mass Loss in the WASP-18 System 2018AJ....155..113F Close-by planets and flares in their host stars 2018A&A...610A..81L The discovery of WASP-151b, WASP-153b, WASP-156b: Insights on giant planet migration and the upper boundary of the Neptunian desert 2018A&A...610A..63D The open flux evolution of a solar-mass star on the main sequence 2018MNRAS.474..536S Long-term optical monitoring of the solar atmosphere in Italy 2018IAUS..340..251G The long-term variation of the effective magnetic field of the active star ∊ Eridani 2018IAUS..340...39S Reactive Desorption of CO Hydrogenation Products under Cold Pre-stellar Core Conditions 2018ApJ...853..102C The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs . First visual-channel radial-velocity measurements and orbital parameter updates of seven M-dwarf planetary systems 2018A&A...609A.117T First Extended Catalogue of Galactic bubble infrared fluxes from WISE and Herschel surveys 2018MNRAS.473.3671B SCORPIO - II. Spectral indices of weak Galactic radio sources 2018MNRAS.473.1685C The Gaia-ESO Survey: matching chemodynamical simulations to observations of the Milky Way 2018MNRAS.473..185T The ASTRI project . 2018MmSAI..89..484S Magnetic Fields in Planet-Hosting Stars 2018haex.bookE..21M Planet and Star Interactions: Introduction 2018haex.bookE..17L The stability of magnetic fields in massive stars 2018CoSka..48..154B Tutorial: Asteroseismic Data Analysis with DIAMONDS 2018ASSP...49..137C Homologous White Light Solar Flares Driven by Photospheric Shear Motions 2018ApJ...852L..10R Empirical Accurate Masses and Radii of Single Stars with TESS and Gaia 2018AJ....155...22S Chromospheric and Transition Region Emission Properties of G, K, and M dwarf Exoplanet Host Stars 2018AAS...23134906F The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. HD147379 b: A nearby Neptune in the temperate zone of an early-M dwarf 2018A&A...609L...5R Connection between jets, winds and accretion in T Tauri stars. The X-shooter view 2018A&A...609A..87N The Gaia-ESO Survey: Churning through the Milky Way 2018A&A...609A..79H The Gaia-ESO Survey and CSI 2264: Substructures, disks, and sequential star formation in the young open cluster NGC 2264 2018A&A...609A..10V |
The multi-line slope method for measuring the effective magnetic field of cool stars: an application to the solar-like cycle of ∊ Eri 2017MNRAS.472.3554S Electromagnetic diagnostics of ECR-Ion Sources plasmas: optical/X-ray imaging and spectroscopy 2017JInst..12C2047M New Variable Stars Discovered by Data Mining Images Taken during Recent Asteroid Photometric Observations. II. Results from July 2015 through December 2016 2017JAVSO..45..219P Workflows and Science Gateways for Astronomical Experiments 2017ASPC..512..419T Advanced Environment for Knowledge Discovery in the VIALACTEA Project 2017ASPC..512..101B Hα and Hβ emission in a C3.3 solar flare: comparison between observations and simulations 2017AGUFMSH41A2742Z Orbiting a binary. SPHERE characterisation of the HD 284149 system 2017A&A...608A.106B The Gaia-ESO Survey: double-, triple-, and quadruple-line spectroscopic binary candidates 2017A&A...608A..95M Photospheric activity of the Sun with VIRGO and GOLF. Comparison with standard activity proxies 2017A&A...608A..87S First optical validation of a Schwarzschild Couder telescope: the ASTRI SST-2M Cherenkov telescope 2017A&A...608A..86G The profile of the bending mode band in solid CO2 2017A&A...608A..81B In-depth study of moderately young but extremely red, very dusty substellar companion HD 206893B 2017A&A...608A..79D HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VI. GJ 3942 b behind dominant activity signals 2017A&A...608A..63P METIS, the Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy: an instrument proposed for the solar orbiter mission 2017SPIE10566E..0LA Evaluation of the stray light from the diffraction of METIS coronagraph external occulter 2017SPIE10564E..37R The optimization of the inverted occulter of the solar orbiter/METIS coronagraph/spectrometer 2017SPIE10564E..0FL Internal checkup illumination sources for METIS coronagraph on solar orbiter 2017SPIE10563E..5JF METIS: the visible and UV coronagraph for solar orbiter 2017SPIE10563E..1MR CHEOPS: a space telescope for ultra-high precision photometry of exoplanet transits 2017SPIE10563E..1LC Comprehensive Analysis of the Geoeffective Solar Event of 21 June 2015: Effects on the Magnetosphere, Plasmasphere, and Ionosphere Systems 2017SoPh..292..169P Spectroscopic identification of r-process nucleosynthesis in a double neutron-star merger 2017Natur.551...67P Thermal generation of the magnetic field in the surface layers of massive stars 2017MNRAS.472L...5U Multitemperature mapping of dust structures throughout the Galactic Plane using the PPMAP tool with Herschel Hi-GAL data 2017MNRAS.471.2730M The Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program 2017jwst.prop.1366B IceAge: Chemical Evolution of Ices during Star Formation 2017jwst.prop.1309M The mass-loss before the end: two luminous blue variables with a collimated stellar wind 2017IAUS..329...69A Hα and Hβ Emission in a C3.3 Solar Flare: Comparison between Observations and Simulations 2017ApJ...850...36C Solid CO2 in quiescent dense molecular clouds. Comparison between Spitzer and laboratory spectra 2017A&A...608A..12S The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation 2017Natur.550..219O MOVES - I. The evolving magnetic field of the planet-hosting star HD189733 2017MNRAS.471.1246F The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue - I. The physical properties of the clumps in the inner Galaxy (-71.0° < ℓ < 67.0°) 2017MNRAS.471..100E Estimating the chromospheric magnetic field from a revised NLTE modeling: the case of HR 7428 2017IAUS..328...38B Auroral Radio Emission From Low-Mass Stars 2017ewas.confE...1I Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger 2017ApJ...848L..12A A Method to Measure the Transverse Magnetic Field and Orient the Rotational Axis of Stars 2017ApJ...848..107L The β Pictoris association low-mass members: Membership assessment, rotation period distribution, and dependence on multiplicity 2017A&A...607A...3M TOSC: an algorithm for the tomography of spotted transit chords 2017A&A...606A.134S Activity cycles in members of young loose stellar associations 2017A&A...606A..58D The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XV. A substellar companion around a K giant star identified with quasi-simultaneous HARPS-N and GIANO measurements 2017A&A...606A..51G High-resolution TNG spectra of T Tauri stars. Near-IR GIANO observations of the young variables XZ Tauri and DR Tauri 2017A&A...606A..48A Photometric and spectroscopic variability of 53 Per 2017sbcs.conf..217N Sputtering of sodium and potassium from nepheline: Secondary ion yields and velocity spectra 2017NIMPB.406..523M New structures of power density spectra for four Kepler active galactic nuclei 2017MNRAS.470.2439D TOMOX: an x-ray tomographer for lunar and planetary exploration 2017EPSC...11..679M The LAMOST spectroscopic survey of stars in the Kepler field of view: Activity indicators and stellar parameters 2017EPJWC.15204002M Pulsating star research and the Gaia revolution 2017EPJWC.15202002E Observational Evidence of a Flux Rope within a Sunspot Umbra 2017ApJ...846L..16G Discovery of a warm, dusty giant planet around HIP 65426 2017A&A...605L...9C HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. V. A super-Earth on the inner edge of the habitable zone of the nearby M dwarf GJ 625 2017A&A...605A..92S Comparison of different populations of granular features in the solar photosphere 2017A&A...605A..87F An extensive VLT/X-shooter library of photospheric templates of pre-main sequence stars 2017A&A...605A..86M Gaia Data Release 1. Testing parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars 2017A&A...605A..79G X-shooter spectroscopy of young stellar objects in Lupus. Lithium, iron, and barium elemental abundances 2017A&A...605A..66B Spatial distribution of star formation related to ionized regions throughout the inner Galactic plane 2017A&A...605A..35P Analytic mean-field α2-dynamo with a force-free corona 2017A&A...605A..33B Metallicity effect on stellar granulation detected from oscillating red giants in open clusters 2017A&A...605A...3C The ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: status after the commissioning phase of the telescope 2017SPIE10399E..04C Probing the magnetosphere of the M8.5 dwarf TVLM 513-46546 by modelling its auroral radio emission. Hint of star exoplanet interaction? 2017MNRAS.469.1949L GIARPS@TNG: GIANO-B and HARPS-N together for a wider wavelength range spectroscopy 2017EPJP..132..364C Laboratory Studies of Methane and Its Relationship to Prebiotic Chemistry 2017AsBio..17..786K Thermal and energetic processing of astrophysical ice analogues rich in SO2 2017A&A...604A..68K The dust-to-ices ratio in comets and Kuiper belt objects 2017MNRAS.469S..45F Estimating the chromospheric magnetic field from a revised NLTE modelling: the case of HR 7428 2017MNRAS.468.3557B Radio variability and non-thermal components in stars evolving towards planetary nebulae 2017MNRAS.468.3450C Probing the sub-surface oceans of Europa and Enceladus with JWST 2017jwst.prop.1250V NGC 346:Star Formation at Low Metallicity in the Small Magellanic Cloud 2017jwst.prop.1227M Star formation in the local group - NGC 2070 (30 Dor) 2017jwst.prop.1226D Star formation in the local group - NGC3603 2017jwst.prop.1225D Application of optical emission spectroscopy to high current proton sources 2017JPhCS.874a2033C PLATO as it is : A legacy mission for Galactic archaeology 2017AN....338..644M Search for giant planets in M 67. IV. Survey results 2017A&A...603A..85B Gaia-ESO Survey: Global properties of clusters Trumpler 14 and 16 in the Carina nebula 2017A&A...603A..81D Combining direct imaging and radial velocity data towards a full exploration of the giant planet population. I. Method and first results 2017A&A...603A..54L Investigating the behaviour of neutral hydrogen Lyα spectral line width in polar coronal holes at solar minimum 2017A&A...603A..35S Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009 2017A&A...603A..31A The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits. IV. Gravitational instability rarely forms wide, giant planets 2017A&A...603A...3V Impact of photometric variability on age and mass determination in young stellar objects: the case of the Orion Nebula Cluster 2017MNRAS.468..931M Backflows by active galactic nuclei jets: global properties and influence on supermassive black hole accretion 2017MNRAS.467.4526C High Resolution Rotational Spectroscopy of Hcssh: a CS_{2} Proxy in the ISM 2017isms.confETF04P Integrated data access, visualization and analysis for Galactic Plane surveys: the VIALACTEA case 2017IAUS..325..291M Formation of Glycerol through Hydrogenation of CO Ice under Prestellar Core Conditions 2017ApJ...842...52F The Luminous Blue Variable RMC 127 as Seen with ALMA and ATCA 2017ApJ...841..130A On the possibility of helicity oscillations in the saturation of the Tayler instability 2017AN....338..516B The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG . XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets 2017A&A...602A.107B Internal rotation of 13 low-mass low-luminosity red giants in the Kepler field 2017A&A...602A..62T X-shooter spectroscopy of young stellar objects in Lupus. Atmospheric parameters, membership, and activity diagnostics 2017A&A...602A..33F The detection of variable radio emission from the fast rotating magnetic hot B-star HR\xA07355 and evidence for its X-ray aurorae 2017MNRAS.467.2820L Monitoring crustal changes at volcanoes by seismic noise interferometry: Mt. Etna case of study 2017JVGR..337..165C Cosmic censorship in quantum Einstein gravity 2017CQGra..34i5012B Prospects for Cherenkov Telescope Array Observations of the Young Supernova Remnant RX J1713.7-3946 2017ApJ...840...74A Surface magnetism of cool stars 2017AN....338..428K Testing giant planet formation in the transitional disk of SAO 206462 using deep VLT/SPHERE imaging 2017A&A...601A.134M An abundance analysis from the STIS-HST UV spectrum of the non-magnetic Bp star HR 6000 2017A&A...601A.119C The effect of ISM absorption on stellar activity measurements and its relevance for exoplanet studies 2017A&A...601A.104F The Gaia-ESO Survey: Structural and dynamical properties of the young cluster Chamaeleon I 2017A&A...601A..97S The Gaia-ESO Survey: the present-day radial metallicity distribution of the Galactic disc probed by pre-main-sequence clusters 2017A&A...601A..70S The Gaia-ESO survey: the inner disk intermediate-age open cluster NGC 6802 2017A&A...601A..56T Age of the magnetically active WW Psa and TX Psa members of the β Pictoris association 2017A&A...601A..54M The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIII. The orbital obliquity of three close-in massive planets hosted by dwarf K-type stars: WASP-43, HAT-P-20 and Qatar-2 2017A&A...601A..53E Gaia Data Release 1. Open cluster astrometry: performance, limitations, and future prospects 2017A&A...601A..19G Quantum gravity on foliated spacetimes: Asymptotically safe and sound 2017PhRvD..95h6013B Synchrotron emission from the blazar PG 1553+113. An analysis of its flux and polarization variability 2017MNRAS.466.3762R Studying stellar spin-down with Zeeman-Doppler magnetograms 2017MNRAS.466.1542S A spectroscopic study of the open cluster NGC 6250 2017MNRAS.466..613M New ATCA, ALMA and VISIR observations of the candidate LBV SK -67 266 (S61): the nebular mass from modelling 3D density distributions 2017MNRAS.466..213A TOMOX : An X-rays tomographer for planetary exploration 2017EGUGA..1913615M Monitoring crustal changes at volcanoes by seismic noise interferometry: Mt. Etna case of study 2017EGUGA..19.1726C Plasma flows and magnetic field interplay during the formation of a pore 2017A&A...600A.102E The β Pictoris association: Catalog of photometric rotational periods of low-mass members and candidate members 2017A&A...600A..83M X-shooter spectroscopy of young stellar objects in Lupus. Accretion properties of class II and transitional objects 2017A&A...600A..20A Diffusion in plasma: The Hall effect, compositional waves, and chemical spots 2017PlPhR..43..307U Upper limits for mass and radius of objects around Proxima Cen from SPHERE/VLT 2017MNRAS.466L.118M Exploring the multifaceted circumstellar environment of the luminous blue variable HR Carinae 2017MNRAS.465.4147B Spurious Doppler maps from noisy spectra and zero-field inversions★ 2017MNRAS.465.2880S A BCool survey of the magnetic fields of planet-hosting solar-type stars 2017MNRAS.465.2734M Pulsation versus metallicism in Am stars as revealed by LAMOST and WASP 2017MNRAS.465.2662S Modification of ices by cosmic rays and solar wind 2017JPhB...50f2001R The Signal Processing Firmware for the Low Frequency Aperture Array 2017JAI.....641015C The Digital Signal Processing Platform for the Low Frequency Aperture Array: Preliminary Results on the Data Acquisition Unit 2017JAI.....641014N Fullerenes and fullerene-related molecules in the circumstellar environment of evolved stars 2017hsa9.conf..501D Characterizing the CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs with low-resolution spectroscopy: metallicity 2017hsa9.conf..487A Asymptotically safe cosmology - A status report 2017CRPhy..18..254B Observation of a 3D Magnetic Null Point 2017ApJ...837..173R EPIC 219388192b—An Inhabitant of the Brown Dwarf Desert in the Ruprecht 147 Open Cluster 2017AJ....153..131N VLT/SINFONI Observations of SPITZER/MIPSGAL 24 μm Circumstellar Shells: Revealing the Natures of Their Central Sources 2017AJ....153..115S The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XII. Characterization of the planetary system around HD 108874 2017A&A...599A..90B The Muon Portal Project: Design and construction of a scanning portal based on muon tomography 2017NIMPA.845..322A Synergy SKA - CTA: Supernova remnants as cosmic accelerators 2017IAUS..331..345I Procedures for the relative calibration of the SiPM gain on ASTRI SST-2M camera 2017ExA....43....1I The Gaia-ESO Survey: the inner disk, intermediate-age open cluster Trumpler 23 2017A&A...598A..68O Supernova rates from the SUDARE VST-Omegacam search II. Rates in a galaxy sample 2017A&A...598A..50B HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. IV. Time resolved analysis of the Ca II H&K and Hα chromospheric emission of low-activity early-type M dwarfs 2017A&A...598A..28S HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG . III. Flux-flux and activity-rotation relationships of early-M dwarfs 2017A&A...598A..27M HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. II. Data treatment and simulations 2017A&A...598A..26P A critical reassessment of the fundamental properties of GJ 504: chemical composition and age 2017A&A...598A..19D The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibration strategy 2017A&A...598A...5P A Statistical Study of CME Properties and of the Correlation Between Flares and CMEs over Solar Cycles 23 and 24 2017SoPh..292....5C The Gaia-ESO Survey: lithium depletion in the Gamma Velorum cluster and inflated radii in low-mass pre-main-sequence stars 2017MNRAS.464.1456J Elemental abundances in star-forming regions: results in Lupus and future analysis in Orion . 2017MmSAI..88..828B Argimusco: Cartography, Archaeology and Astronomy 2017ASSP...48..123O Archaeoastronomical Analysis of the Temple of Diana to Cefalù (Sicily) 2017ASSP...48...79O The First Archaeoastronomical Study of the Maltese Temple of Borġ In-Nadur 2017ASSP...48...47O On the Formation of a Stable Penumbra in a Region of Flux Emergence in the Sun 2017ApJ...834...76M Evidence of radius inflation in stars approaching the slow-rotator sequence 2017A&A...597A..63L |
An all-sky catalogue of solar-type dwarfs for exoplanetary transit surveys 2016MNRAS.463.4210N New Suns in the Cosmos II: differential rotation in Kepler Sun-like stars 2016MNRAS.463.1624D Stellar Dynamo Models with Prominent Surface Toroidal Fields 2016ApJ...833L..22B A Distant Mirror: Solar Oscillations Observed on Neptune by the Kepler K2 Mission 2016ApJ...833L..13G The High Cadence Transient Survey (HITS). I. Survey Design and Supernova Shock Breakout Constraints 2016ApJ...832..155F EPIC 211391664b: A 32 M ⊕ Neptune-size Planet in a 10 Day Orbit Transiting an F8 Star 2016AJ....152..193B A Super-solar Metallicity for Stars with Hot Rocky Exoplanets 2016AJ....152..187M Planck intermediate results. XL. The Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal from the Virgo cluster 2016A&A...596A.101P Planck intermediate results. XXXIX. The Planck list of high-redshift source candidates 2016A&A...596A.100P Hα-activity and ages for stars in the SARG survey 2016A&A...596A..76S High-resolution Very Large Array observations of 18 MIPSGAL bubbles 2016MNRAS.463..723I 67P/C-G inner coma dust properties from 2.2 au inbound to 2.0 au outbound to the Sun 2016MNRAS.462S.210D Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko preserved the pebbles that formed planetesimals 2016MNRAS.462S.132F The connection between stellar activity cycles and magnetic field topology 2016MNRAS.462.4442S Tides and angular momentum redistribution inside low-mass stars hosting planets: a first dynamical model 2016CeMDA.126..249L Multifrequency Photo-polarimetric WEBT Observation Campaign on the Blazar S5 0716+714: Source Microvariability and Search for Characteristic Timescales 2016ApJ...831...92B Detection of Solar-like Oscillations, Observational Constraints, and Stellar Models for θ Cyg, the Brightest Star Observed By the Kepler Mission 2016ApJ...831...17G The rotation-lithium depletion correlation in the β Pictoris association and the LDB age determination 2016A&A...596A..29M Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255. High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE 2016A&A...595A.114D Disentangling planetary and stellar activity features in the CoRoT-2 light curve 2016A&A...595A..89B Gaia Data Release 1. Astrometry: one billion positions, two million proper motions and parallaxes 2016A&A...595A...4L Gaia Data Release 1. Pre-processing and source list creation 2016A&A...595A...3F Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties 2016A&A...595A...2G The Gaia mission 2016A&A...595A...1G Front-end electronics for the Muon Portal project 2016NIMPA.833..169G Is the β Pictoris member GJ 3039AB a physical binary? What the rotation periods tell us? 2016NewA...48....5M Ion processing of ices and the origin of SO2 and O3 on the icy surfaces of the icy jovian satellites 2016Icar..277..424B Sun-like Stars: magnetic fields, cycles and exoplanets 2016IAUFM..29A.360F Chromospheric Emission of Planet Candidate Host Stars: A Way to Identify False Positives 2016ApJ...830L...7K Backflows In- And Feedback From Jet-Powered AGNs 2016agnt.confE..52A Combined infrared and Raman study of solid CO 2016A&A...594A..80U Activity indicators and stellar parameters of the Kepler targets. An application of the ROTFIT pipeline to LAMOST-Kepler stellar spectra 2016A&A...594A..39F Characterizing HR 3549 B using SPHERE 2016A&A...593A.119M HADES RV program with HARPS-N at the TNG GJ 3998: An early M-dwarf hosting a system of super-Earths 2016A&A...593A.117A The Gaia-ESO Survey: revisiting the Li-rich giant problem 2016MNRAS.461.3336C The triple system AT Mic AB + AU Mic in the β Pictoris association 2016Ap&SS.361..291M GIADA - Grain Impact Analyzer and Dust Accumulator - Onboard Rosetta spacecraft: Extended calibrations 2016AcAau.126..205D Planck 2015 results. XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Galactic cold clumps 2016A&A...594A..28P Planck 2015 results. XXVII. The second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources 2016A&A...594A..27P Planck 2015 results. XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources 2016A&A...594A..26P Planck 2015 results. XXV. Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds 2016A&A...594A..25P Planck 2015 results. XXIV. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts 2016A&A...594A..24P Planck 2015 results. XXIII. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect-cosmic infrared background correlation 2016A&A...594A..23P Planck 2015 results. XIX. Constraints on primordial magnetic fields 2016A&A...594A..19P Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological parameters 2016A&A...594A..13P Planck 2015 results. XI. CMB power spectra, likelihoods, and robustness of parameters 2016A&A...594A..11P Planck 2015 results. X. Diffuse component separation: Foreground maps 2016A&A...594A..10P Planck 2015 results. V. LFI calibration 2016A&A...594A...5P Planck 2015 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions 2016A&A...594A...4P Planck 2015 results. III. LFI systematic uncertainties 2016A&A...594A...3P Planck 2015 results. II. Low Frequency Instrument data processings 2016A&A...594A...2P Planck 2015 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results 2016A&A...594A...1P PTF12os and iPTF13bvn. Two stripped-envelope supernovae from low-mass progenitors in NGC 5806 2016A&A...593A..68F Silicon photomultipliers as readout elements for a Compton effect polarimeter: the COMPASS project 2016SPIE.9915E..28D A virtual appliance as proxy pipeline for the Solar Orbiter/Metis coronagraph 2016SPIE.9913E..4LP Software design and code generation for the engineering graphical user interface of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9913E..3XT Monitoring and controlling the SKA telescope manager: a peculiar LMC system in the framework of the SKA LMCs 2016SPIE.9913E..3SD The ASTRI mini-array software system (MASS) implementation: a proposal for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9913E..3LT The ICT monitoring system of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9913E..2IG Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Infrastructure for the ASTRI SST-2M telescope prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9913E..2CG Mount control system of the ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9913E..1JA VIALACTEA knowledge base homogenizing access to Milky Way data 2016SPIE.9913E..0HM The HARPS-North@TNG polarimeter 2016SPIE.9908E..7KL The new SOXS instrument for the ESO NTT 2016SPIE.9908E..41S Pushing down with the contrast: scientific performances with SPHERE-IFS 2016SPIE.9908E..3HC GIARPS: the unique VIS-NIR high precision radial velocity facility in this world 2016SPIE.9908E..1AC iLocater: a diffraction-limited Doppler spectrometer for the Large Binocular Telescope 2016SPIE.9908E..19C The design of the local monitor and control system of SKA dishes 2016SPIE.9906E..5VS The ASTRI SST-2M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array: opto-mechanical performance 2016SPIE.9906E..19C Kinematics and Magnetic Properties of a Light Bridge in a Decaying Sunspot 2016SoPh..291.1939F Characterization of a 6×6-mm2 75-μm cell MPPC suitable for the Cherenkov Telescope Array project 2016NIMPA.826...31R The Gaia-ESO Survey: pre-main-sequence stars in the young open cluster NGC 3293 2016MNRAS.460.3305D Spectroscopic study of the HgMn star HD 49606: the quest for binarity, abundance stratifications and magnetic field 2016MNRAS.460.1999C Automated detection of extended sources in radio maps: progress from the SCORPIO survey 2016MNRAS.460.1486R What Can We Learn About Stellar Activity Cycles From ZDI? 2016csss.confE..25S Spot modelling of periodic weak-line T Tauri stars observed by CoRoT in NGC 2264 2016A&A...592A.140L Mapping the coronal hydrogen temperature in view of the forthcoming coronagraph observations by Solar Orbiter 2016A&A...592A.137D A real-time KLT implementation for radio-SETI applications 2016SPIE.9914E..3DM Software use cases to elicit the software requirements analysis within the ASTRI project 2016SPIE.9913E..40C ASTRI SST-2M archive system: a prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 2016SPIE.9910E..1VC On-sky single-mode fiber coupling measurements at the Large Binocular Telescope 2016SPIE.9909E..2XB Temperature characterization of the CITIROC front-end chip of the ASTRI SST-2M Cherenkov camera 2016SPIE.9906E..45I ASTRI SST-2M camera electronics 2016SPIE.9906E..3DS Trade-off between TMA and RC configurations for JANUS camera 2016SPIE.9904E..51G Aligning the demonstration model of CHEOPS 2016SPIE.9904E..39B A display model for the TOU of PLATO: just a cool toy or a benchmark of opportunities? 2016SPIE.9904E..32D Thermal effects on PLATO point spread function 2016SPIE.9904E..31G Radiation, Thermal Gradient and Weight: a threefold dilemma for PLATO 2016SPIE.9904E..30M Manufacturing and alignment tolerance analysis through Montecarlo approach for PLATO 2016SPIE.9904E..2ZM The instrument control unit of the ESA-PLATO 2.0 mission 2016SPIE.9904E..2YF CHEOPS: status summary of the instrument development 2016SPIE.9904E..2AB PLATO: a multiple telescope spacecraft for exo-planets hunting 2016SPIE.9904E..28R The Gaia-ESO Survey: the selection function of the Milky Way field stars 2016MNRAS.460.1131S The evolving magnetic topology of τ Boötis 2016MNRAS.459.4325M Laboratory study of carbonaceous dust and molecules of astrochemical interest 2016JPhCS.728f2002C A search for hydrogenated fullerenes in fullerene-containing planetary nebulae 2016JPhCS.728e2005D Muon decay: an old, yet alive experiment in the university physics curriculum 2016EJPh...37d5702R The Hades RV Programme With Harps-N@TNG GJ 3998: An Early M-Dwarf Hosting a System of Super-Earths 2016csss.confE..67A Formation of the Penumbra and Start of the Evershed Flow 2016ApJ...825...75M Search for giant planets in M67. III. Excess of hot Jupiters in dense open clusters 2016A&A...592L...1B Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey: photometric maps and compact source catalogues. First data release for the inner Milky Way: +68° ≥ l ≥ -70° 2016A&A...591A.149M Milky Way Analysis through a Science Gateway: Workflows and Resource Monitoring 2016scga.confE..12S The Kepler Field of View Covered with the LAMOST Spectrscopic OBservations = Application of the ROTFIT pipeline to the LAMOST Spetra 2016pas..conf...59M Temporal variability of the wind from the star τ Boötis 2016MNRAS.459.1907N 3D modelling of stellar auroral radio emission 2016MNRAS.459.1159L HAZMAT: Habitable Zones and M dwarf Activity across Time 2016hst..prop14784S Unveiling the nature of the only main-sequence pulsar CU Vir 2016hst..prop14737K A SNAP UV Spectroscopic Study of Star-Planet Interactions 2016hst..prop14633F The HARPS-N Red Dwarf Exoplanets Survey (HADES) - Time Resolved Spectroscopic Analysis of The Steady Chromosphere Of Low-Activity Early-M Dwarfs 2016csss.confE..45S Chemical spots and oscillatory diffusion modes in magnetic stars 2016AN....337..633U Gaia-ESO Survey: Gas dynamics in the Carina nebula through optical emission lines 2016A&A...591A..74D The Gaia-ESO Survey: Inhibited extra mixing in two giants of the open cluster Trumpler 20? 2016A&A...591A..62S Lower limit for differential rotation in members of young loose stellar associations 2016A&A...591A..43D Daily variability of Ceres' albedo detected by means of radial velocities changes of the reflected sunlight 2016MNRAS.458L..54M A Method to Calibrate the High-resolution Catania Astrophysical Observatory Spectropolarimeter 2016AJ....151..116L The Gaia-ESO Survey: A lithium-rotation connection at 5 Myr? 2016A&A...590A..78B Supernova 2010ev: A reddened high velocity gradient type Ia supernova 2016A&A...590A...5G The Gaia-ESO Survey: membership and initial mass function of the γ Velorum cluster 2016A&A...589A..70P A search for hydrogenated fullerenes in fullerene-containing planetary nebulae 2016A&A...589A...5D The Sun as a planet-host star: proxies from SDO images for HARPS radial-velocity variations 2016MNRAS.457.3637H Physical parameters and long-term photometric variability of V1481 Ori, an SB2 member of Orion nebula Cluster with an accreting component 2016MNRAS.457.3372M Imaging Surface Spots from Space-Borne Photometry 2016LNP...914...43L Lithium and age of pre-main sequence stars: the case of Parenago 1802 2016JPhCS.703a2018G The virtual atomic and molecular data centre (VAMDC) consortium 2016JPhB...49g4003D Modeling pyramidal sensors in ray-tracing software by a suitable user-defined surface 2016JATIS...2b8001A Evolution of the Dust Size Distribution of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from 2.2 au to Perihelion 2016ApJ...821...19F The Gaia-ESO Survey: Dynamical analysis of the L1688 region in Ophiuchus 2016A&A...588A.123R The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XI. Pr 0211 in M 44: the first multi-planet system in an open cluster 2016A&A...588A.118M From MAD to SAD: The Italian experience for the low-frequency aperture array of SKA1-LOW 2016RaSc...51..160B Observational evidence for enhanced magnetic activity of superflare stars 2016NatCo...711058K A Multi-instrument Analysis of a C4.1 Flare Occurring in a δ Sunspot 2016ApJ...819..157G Long-term radial-velocity variations of the Sun as a star: The HARPS view 2016A&A...587A.103L First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 revisited 2016A&A...587A..56M The VLT/NaCo large program to probe the occurrence of exoplanets and brown dwarfs at wide orbits . III. The frequency of brown dwarfs and giant planets as companions to solar-type stars 2016A&A...586A.147R Planck intermediate results. XXXVIII. E- and B-modes of dust polarization from the magnetized filamentary structure of the interstellar medium 2016A&A...586A.141P Planck intermediate results. XXXV. Probing the role of the magnetic field in the formation of structure in molecular clouds 2016A&A...586A.138P Planck intermediate results. XXXII. The relative orientation between the magnetic field and structures traced by interstellar dust 2016A&A...586A.135P Planck intermediate results. XXXI. Microwave survey of Galactic supernova remnants 2016A&A...586A.134P Planck intermediate results. XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations 2016A&A...586A.132P ASASSN-15lh: A highly super-luminous supernova 2016Sci...351..257D Advances in Multi-Pixel Photon Counter technology: First characterization results 2016NIMPA.806..383B On the rotation periods of the components of the triple system TYC 9300-0891-1AB/TYC 9300-0529-1 in the Octans Association 2016NewA...42...29M Spectral characterization of V-type asteroids - I. Space weathering effects and implications for V-type NEAs 2016MNRAS.455..584F First evidence of the possible detection of diffuse circumstellar bands in AGB descendants 2016MmSAI..87..295D Wild 2 grains characterized combining MIR/FIR/Raman micro-spectroscopy and FE-SEM/EDS analyses 2016MmSAI..87..211F Global Architecture of Planetary Systems (GAPS), a project for the whole Italian Community. 2016MmSAI..87..141P First science with SPHERE 2016MmSAI..87..132C Spectral characterization of V-type asteroids: are all the basaltic objects coming from Vesta? 2016MmSAI..87...87I The particle and magnetic environments surrounding close-in exoplanets 2016IAUS..320..397V Accretion, Disks, and Magnetic Activity in the TW Hya Association 2016IAUS..314..105S Synergies between spectroscopic and asteroseismic surveys for the Kepler field with LAMOST 2016IAUFM..29B.686F The Kepler field of view covered with the LAMOST spectroscopic observations† 2016IAUFM..29B.514M Black Holes in the Asymptotic Safety Program Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project. III. Photometric Catalog and Resulting Constraints on the Progression of Star Formation in the 30 Doradus Region 2016ApJS..222...11S Internal Rotation of the Red-giant Star KIC 4448777 by Means of Asteroseismic Inversion 2016ApJ...817...65D Anomalous Microwave Emission in HII regions: is it really anomalous ? The case of RCW 49 2016AAS...22722805P Synthesis of formamide and isocyanic acid after ion irradiation of frozen gas mixtures 2016A&A...585A.155K A spectro-polarimetric study of the planet-hosting G dwarf, HD 147513 2016A&A...585A..77H Interpreting the spectral behavior of MWC 314 2016A&A...585A..60F |