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ESP2024 – PLATO PLANETARY SYSTEMS: Formation to Observed architectures

Maggio 14, 2024 @ 9:00 am - Maggio 16, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

PLATO is the 3rd mission of class M in the ESA Cosmic Vision program. Its main goal is detecting terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of  solar type stars. With its huge FOV, most of the PLATO targets are bright stars that will be monitored with high cadence (25 s) for at least 2-3 years during the long duration observing program, while contemporary a number of very bright stars in the sample will be observed with 2.5 s cadence. The collected data, photometry from space and high resolution spectroscopy from the ground, will provide accurate planetary structures as well as  architectures and evolutionary stage – via asteroseismic analysis – of a large number of planetary systems. PLATO is planned for a launch in Dec 2026.

More information on PLATO are on the ESA website and in PLATO Mission Consortium website.

With  PLATO Mission due for launch soon  this would seem a good time to review the present state of knowledge of exoplanet systems and the objectives of the mission. PLATO is optimized for the detection and characterization of small planets in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars. By combining two cutting-edge approaches: planetary transits and the study of the internal structure of stars using stellar seismology, supported by a dedicated ground-based observation programme.In combination with a dedicated ground based observation programme, PLATO will provide accurate planetary parameters (including age) for a large sample of exoplanets which could be used to answer many scientific questions eg if there are favoured evolutionary paths for exoplanets by comparison with theoretical population models PLATO will provide accurate and complete planetary parameters (including age) for a large sample of exoplanets, allowing to address a variety of scientific questions: planet occurrences, trends in composition, dynamical evolution, favoured evolutionary paths, etc.

The aim of this conference is to review the current state of the art in the field and to examine the range of scientific questions PLATO data could prove useful. Themed sessions will examine planetary systems at all stages of their evolution as well as give an overview of the PLATO mission, its  future data, and how to become involved.



1 – PLATO mission – where are we?
2 – PLATO Science – From Stars to Planets
3 – System architectures from observations
4 – Advances in planet formation
5 – Exoplanets Evolution
6 – Relevant Stellar Science


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Maggio 14, 2024 @ 9:00 am
Maggio 16, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
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Department of Physics and Astronomy “Ettore Majorana” (DFA) of the Catania University
Via Santa Sofia 64
Catania, 95123 Italia
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