Paolo Romano

Primo Ricercatore
(0039) 095/7332305
Attività di ricerca
Space Weather, study of the mechanisms for the storage of magnetic energy in force-free field before solar flares, magnetic helicity transport into corona, emergence of magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere and sunspot penumbra formation
Curriculum vitae
Born in Catania (Italy), July 13, 1974; degree in Physics, Catania University, May 22, 1999; PhD in Physics, February 25, 2003; post-doc fellow at Catania University since August 1, 2003 to July 31, 2004; astronomer at the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) since December 30, 2005; Member of the INAF Thematic Committee “Sun and Solar System”. Responsible of the preliminary design for the instrument control of the European Solar Telescope (EST). He is responsible of the solar telescope of INAF – Catania Astrophysical Observatory (INAF-OACT) and leading responsible for the INAF-OACT contribution to the Space Weather Service Network of ESA (contract No 4000134036/21/D/MRP). He is member of Metis/SOLO core team. He is also member of the scientific teams of SOLAR-C (JAXA) and MUSE (NASA). He is project scientist of the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer 2.0 (IBIS2.0). He has been leading responsible for the INAF-OACT contribution to the Space Situational Awareness programme of ESA (contract No 400113186/15/D/MRP). He has been PI for INAF-OACT in several funded national and international research projects, including the EU–FP7 funded EST, eHEROES, SOLID, and SOLARNET, and the H2020 funded PRE-EST and SOLARNET. He was co-PI of two PRIN INAF. He cooperated to the teaching of Solar Physics at the University of Catania; worked on the realization of the ICARUS archive (INAF Catania Astrophysics Research Utility for the Sun Archive), which is part of the SOlar ARchive NETwork (SOLARNET). Experience in international coordinated observing campaigns and in ground-based and space data analysis. Referee for Solar Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysical Journal, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Astrophysical Journal Special Series, Advances in Astronomy, Annals of Geophysics, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan and AGU books. He has supervised several PhD students and postdocs. He has published more than 90 refereed research articles (h-index 22).
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
Via Santa Sofia 78, 95123 Catania, Italia
(+39) 095.7332111
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