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Characterization of hot Jupiters

Hot Jupiters are extrasolar planets (i.e. planets belonging to planetary systems other than the Solar system) that are similar in size to Jupiter and orbit very close to thor host stars. Consequently, they are characterized by an extremely high surface temperature (T > 1500 K).  We have followed up a few of them in order to better investigate their physical properties. In particular, we own photometric data collected by the CHEOPS space telescope and high resolution spectra collected with the HARPS-N spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. The aim is to analyze the planetary atmospheres, formation, and evolution under the extreme conditions of such ultra-hot planets.

The intern will be supported by researchers in our working group in the data analysis and interpretation, with the goal of improving our knowledge on hot Jupiters. The work carried out during the internship can be integrated into a thesis work (Bachelor’s, Master’s) if the intern wishes to continue working on the proposed project.


Contact: Gaetano Scandariato (


DURATION: 3 months or more