DATE: Wednesday, June 28, 11:30 a.m.
Link for the remote audience:
SPEAKER: Dott. Gabriel Ferrero (University of La Plata, Argentina)
Massive stars (i.e. the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae) are quite scarce, but play a crucial role in several important astrophysical phenomena, as for example, the chemical evolution of their host galaxies. Even so, their fundamental stellar parameters (as mass, radii, temperature and luminosity) are poorly known. This relates to important uncertainties about their formation processes, structure and evolution. We are attempting to face this challenge at the research group GEMAE (Grupo de investigación en Estrellas Masivas y Agrupaciones Estelares) at the University of La Plata, together with collaborators in Chile and Spain. We rely mainly on high-quality and high-resolution spectroscopic data collected by 18 years by the OWN Survey of the O-type and WN-stars in the Southern hemisphere. In this talk I will outline the work that we are developing at GEMAE, focusing on determinations of masses of close binary stars by spectroscopy and photometry in the optic and near-infrared bands.
A few rules:
— in case of large in-person attendance, attendees may be asked to wear a face mask
— before joining, make sure you are using your institutional account if you have one (otherwise we will grant you permission to join)
— please do not forget to mute your microphone and switch off your webcam when access the virtual room
— for questions leave a message in the chat, the answers at the end of the webinar
— the seminar will be recorded, so if you are interested in it, please contact us to get the link to the registration.