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D.D. 102/2021 – Posto di Tecnologo III livello professionale a tempo pieno e determinato di tipo A

Concorso pubblico per titoli ed esame, per il reclutamento di  un tecnologo III livello professionale  a tempo pieno e determinato di tipo A dal titolo "Software di controllo per Dish SKA e MeerKAT+" da usufruirsi presso l'Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Bando 102/2021 Allegati Esito (pubblicato l'8 luglio 2021) Approvazione Atti (pubblicato l'8 luglio 2021)

Interactions between exoplanets and their host stars: the role of magnetic fields

Most of the planets known today orbit around late-type main-sequence stars and are very close to their hosts (orbit semimajor axis < 0.2 astronomical units). Therefore, they strongly interact with them through gravitational tides, radiation, and magnetic fields as well as through the stellar winds and coronal mass ejections. Stellar magnetic fields control the high-energy radiation that is responsible for the evaporation of the atmospheres of close-by planets and that may produce the radius dichotomy observed in planets with radii smaller than 3.5-4.0 Earth radii. Moreover, stellar magnetic fields produce winds that lead to a steady loss of angular momentum from the systems braking stellar rotation and modifying the tidal evolution of planetary orbits. Finally, stellar magnetic fields may directly interact with planetary fields leading to observable effects in the stellar atmospheres in the optical and/or in the radio spectral domains. I shall briefly introduce such interactions focusing on some recent investigations that could provide information on planetary magnetic fields, in particular on those of close-by giant planets, the so-called hot Jupiters.

EuroMoonMars programme & preparation of Euro-MoonMars-Etna campaign

EuroMoonMars is an ILEWG programme with space agencies, academia, universities and research institutions and industries. The ILEWG EuroMoonMars programme includes research activities for AI & data analysis, instruments tests and development, field tests in MoonMars analogue, pilot projects, training and hands-on workshops, and outreach activities. EuroMoonMars includes a programme of grants for Young Professional Researchers.  EuroMoonMars field campaigns have been organized in specific locations of technical, scientific and exploration interest. Field tests have been conducted in ESTEC, EAC, at MoonMars analogues: Utah MDRS station, Eifel, Rio Tinto, Iceland, La Reunion,  LunAres base /AATC in Poland, HI-SEAS base in Hawaii. These were organized by ILEWG in partnership with ESTEC, VU Amsterdam, NASA Ames, GWU and other partners.  Latest campaigns have
been conducted jointly between EuroMoonMars –International MoonBase Alliance –HiSeas (EMMIHS). In 2019, the EuroMoonMars campaigns were launched at HI-SEAS, bringing together researchers from the European Space Agency, VU Amsterdam, ILEWG and IMA. Six scientists, engineers, explorers, journalists spent two weeks at the HI-SEAS station performing research relevant to both the Moon and Mars there. Research and technological experiments conducted at HI-SEAS will be used to help build a Moonbase in Hawaii, and ultimately to create an actual Moonbase on the Moon, as part of IMA & ILEWG major goals.

We give an update on ILEWG EuroMoonMars Results on Instruments and Outposts, with emphasis on events and field campaigns that took place in 2019-2021. We also give an update on campaigns EMMIHS in HI-SEAS Hawaii, EMMPOL in Moonbase Poland,  and preparation of Euro-MoonMars-Etna campaign planned on 6-10 July 2021 as scouting for ARCHES DLR June 2022 telerobotics campaigns and Exomars 2022.

D.D. 238/21 – Assegno di ricerca post dottorato nell’ambito del progetto “PLATO Fasi B/C”

Pubblica selezione per titoli ed eventuale colloquio per il conferimento di un assegno di ricerca post-dottorato dal titolo “Metodi per la misura della rotazione e dell’attività magnetica stellare in preparazione per la missione spaziale PLATO dell’ESA” nell’ambito del progetto “PLATO Fasi B/C”. Le domande dovranno pervenire esclusivamente via PEC all'indirizzo entro e non oltre le […]

D.D. 251/21 – Posto di tecnologo III livello professionale, settore tecnologico organizzativo gestionale nell’ambito dei progetti SKA e MOSAICO

Concorso pubblico per titoli ed esame, per il reclutamento di un Tecnologo III livello professionale, a tempo pieno e determinato, settore tecnologico organizzativo gestionale dal titolo «Project/Program Manager nell'ambito dei progetti SKA e MOSAICO» da usufruirsi presso l'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania. Pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale - IV serie speciale - […]